Welcome all newcomers! I am back after a years abscence. Glad to see this thread. I had three c-sections by the time I was 21! I had a hysterectomy when I was 28- terrible fybroids. I still have my overies, so did not have any problems right away. When I was 36, I got the divorce I should have gotten 10-15 yrs earlier. Met my wonderful future husband and two yrs later started in with hot flashes and night sweats.
My mother bought me the wisdom of menopause- it was wonderful!! I actually stopped reading it halfway through ( instead of throwing it against the wall) just got it off the shelf and my bookmark is still in it. I have been meaning to start reading it again. I was having a lot of problems coping in the early 2000's- a lot of stress and drama going on in my life. I started taking black cohosh, ginka biloba, and st, johns wort. It was like a life saver!! I no longer had to get up in the middle of the night to put a towel over my side of the bed to soak up the moisture. I was actually sleeping for about half the night(I have had insomnia since I was 12) which was very welcomed. I was not having the severe mood swings and was sooo much more calm, I could think and put my thought together. Thankfully I was taking these prior to, during and after the preperations for our wedding.
Then DH read that women with a history of cancer in the family should not take black cohosh! My sister has had two bouts of breast cancer, our Dad struggled with cancer for 13 yrs before he lost the fight 2 yrs ago, our Mom struggled with cancer for 6 yrs. beforeshe lost the fight last yr. I stopped taking it for yrs. In the last 10 months I have started in worse than ever. Boy can I relate to the night time ritual of throwing covers off and on ALL night long. I put up with this all fall, all winter. I was soo very tired from no sleep, tired of the sweats, flashes and everything else along with it. I think the stress of both my parents passing in less than a yr apart, DH out of work because of the economy and court proceeding by my daughter trying to get my guardianship of her daughter recinded is what brought it all back on. I did more research on black cohosh and now they have eased up on the restrictions a bit. Instead of having cancer in the family- now they say that if YOU have cancer, you should not take it-it matstsizes9???) it. They have found that it will show up other places, especially the lungs AND it will grow faster.
Since I don't have any cancer(that I know of) I started taking it again, I do still want to start with st. johns wort and ginko biloba also though to help with the cloudy thinking and mood swings. My hot flashes are not as bad as they were-fewer during the day, less sweating at night. Not gone but tolerable. Now the ones that drive me the most crazy are the ones that come on when I am sitting doing nothing or just sweeping, mopping or some othe very light household chore.
Sorry to go on so long, just so glad to have this thread!! to all going through this and to all those that have yet to-hoping your's is a breeze.
Im rather young. But I have been through the hot flashes thing when I was on an IUD.. I didnt know what was going on at first. But the doc said it was giving me the hot flashes. I would get so hot at night that it seemed like some one turned on the garden hose and soaked the bed. It did that for 4 years, from 26 to 30 years old. Then I had the IUD removed, had my son. Then now Im fixed due to complications with pregnancy. But man after I had my son and they tied the tubes. I had the hot flashes way worse than I did when I was on the IUD.
I didnt do any thing special. I just put up with it. I know what your going through. I was a bit moody then to.. Which was odd, because I dont even get moody on my monthlys. DH dont even know when they start until I tell him. But I now only have about 3 monthlys a year and I am only 33.
You needed that
I hope it all gets better for you soon.
Im going to keep checking back on this thread to have ideas for it the hot flashes come back..