Mountain Sage
Yes! I love it! Such a relief to never have to "run out" of detergent....I can always make more. 
You aren't doing anything wrong. That is the gel "they" talk about. For our family, I have kinda changed the recipe. I decrease the water by half and add one part baking soda to the other ingredients. So for my recipe I use a full bar of grated Fels Naptha soap, 1.5 cup each of washing soda, baking soda and Borax and three gallons of water. With the addition of tge baking soda it does not seem to gel like before although it dies kind of set up a thick layer on top. I use a large whisk to break thus up and then pour it into 4 one gallon vinegar jugs. Before use I give it a shake to resuspend the "floaties" (it tends to separate) and it pours well. It has been working great. I usually use a bit of vinegar in the fabric softner dispenser.mamaluv321 said:I just made my 2nd batch yesterday and both times now it hasnt actually gelled. The first time I didnt boil soap gratings, just mixed it in really hot water, added borax n sodas. It turned out kindachunky or lumpy. This batch I did the recipe exact, and it turned out REALLY gelled, as in a comlpetely solid blob! So what is going wrong? Or is this what its supposed to do? I ended up taking the blob bit by bit and putting in my mixer bowl with the wisk and its smoother now but still not what I think of as a gelany thoughts? Only reason I ask is that I want to reuse the jugs I already have.
Ok, I was wondering about that! So that's why everyone says they keep it in those 5 gal buckets or storage totes!! Well, I'm all set now, I have 3 gallons. The recipe I used is pretty much the same as yours,'cept I used 2 cups borax. Tho I think I might be making it sooner than I think, I've been converting a few friends...Birdbrain said:You aren't doing anything wrong. That is the gel "they" talk about.