Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I had Pekins and runners, the runners were better than the Pekins. The pekins went to freezer camp and I found a home for the runners.

I had one Pekin here that was very loud....but in a hilarious sort of way. Sounded like a big guy laughing a huge belly laugh every time she quacked. Always made me grin! Blue ate her, feathers and all, the first week he was here.

I scooped up a feather he left behind that still had some tissue clinging to it and scruffed him, smacking him on the nose with that lonely little feather and telling him to never touch one of my ducks again. So far he hasn't. Lady I got him from said he was "exposed to poultry", which I've since come to believe is euphemistic for getting to see poultry in a fence or on the other side of the fence but unable to reach them.

We really liked that Pekin and was hoping she would go broody for us and hatch out some IR eggs.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
49* here today. Loving this unexpected heat. We dragged some lawn chairs out from under the deck. Between doing little piddly yard/chores, and sitting in the sun for a few minutes, we're absolutely enjoying this day. I trimmed all the dead branches off an arborvitae by the front corner of the house. Plan to cut it off at about 3' high, and turn the stump into a stand for a bird bath. It's close to the hose spiggot, so will be convenient.

Spread some stove ash in the snow blowed path ways to help melt the snow pack.

We're picking away at the years of accumulated stuff in the basement and shop, organizing a bit here and there. feels good to find some bare floor!

Birds are laying 6 - 8 eggs per day.

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
This morning, I set my first duck eggs: 12 Welsh Harlequin. These ducks are 90% auto sexing at birth! And 6 eggs from a flock that could be: Blue IR, or Khaki Campbell x Blue IR. Next Sunday, I'll also set 12 eggs from my chicken flock. I was able to do a "gender selection" set of the IR eggs, and will do so with my own chicken eggs. No idea if duck eggs follow the same trend, so it will be interesting to find out. The lady that sold the IR eggs to me yesterday was kind enough to allow me to pick through a week's worth of eggs to do my selection!

Issues with Northern Fowl mites in the coop, so I've spread some stove ash, permethrin, and sulphur. And may hang a sulphur sock as well to allow the birds to "self treat".

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Been cooler the last few days. High hovering around 32*, may be down to teens at night, but... I don't get up to check! In spite of it, I have a couple of frost free areas in the garden. Each is about 4' x 18" on the S end of 2 RB. So, I've planted lettuce, spinach, and radish under plastic totes and milk jugs. Hopefully, we'll have some baby greens and radish by mid April. Most folks here in Maine don't even plant ANYTHING until Memorial day.

Red Wing Black Birds are filling the yard with their song. Love them!