Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Seems you want BEs, right? I suggest you replace the roos with one from a breeder who has BE -- with color & conformation together. It would be a good investment to make if better BE is your goal.
A rooster wouldn't be a major expense -- surely not like a ram, buck or stallion. Since I look at costs of my livestock, I'd spend $20-50 on a rooster and laugh at the price, having spent hundreds & thousands on the larger livestock males for breeding use.
I'd buy another roo and be done. That would improve ALL your future birds that hatch. Remember he's 50% of your entire flock genetics.
A rooster wouldn't be a major expense -- surely not like a ram, buck or stallion. Since I look at costs of my livestock, I'd spend $20-50 on a rooster and laugh at the price, having spent hundreds & thousands on the larger livestock males for breeding use.
I'd buy another roo and be done. That would improve ALL your future birds that hatch. Remember he's 50% of your entire flock genetics.