Lazy Gardener's Little Town Farm

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
If it made the lady happy to give shots to people who wanted them --- that's fine by me! If you don't want any, that's fine, too! But why demoralize her for that??

I don't give a rats ass either way...each person has their own decision. Their health, their choice. Simple. No one should be forced to get vaccinated but, it should be available for those who want it. By the way, none for me!

Lazy Gardener

Super Self-Sufficient
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
Central Maine, Zone 4B
Poll: Will you be putting a No Trespassing Sign at the public egress access points to your house/private property?

1) No
2) Yes
3) Already have

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

I will have to do some more homework before making a decision. My initial response is: No. and this is my rationale: If I have a sign up, any potential egg customers will be put off by that. And, I am fully within my rights to tell any or all visitors to my property whether they are welcome or not. I had an egg customer a year or so ago who I told, "You are not welcome on my property, for any reason." This man brought his confirmed chicken killer dog, let his dog out onto my property, and his dog attacked my dog and ripped her ear. When I told the man that was why he was prohibited from my property or purchasing my eggs, his response was: "My dog wouldn't have chased your dog if she'd stood her ground." And, he said... "how bout if I leave my dog home." Answer, "Not even then." IMO, stupid doesn't get a second chance. So, my verbal is sufficient. Those who have legitimate reason for being here are welcome. Those who don't: I'll likely take their name, license number, info about who they represent, and tell them that they or any other individual representing their business dealings are not welcome.

But, it is tempting to put up a sign to keep JW and the like from knocking on my door.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
They've been told to ignore any signs; and to take notes on who is "naughty and who is nice". This is NOT about public health. This is canvasing to find out who belongs/will join the communist party and who does NOT...

What about this?

Questions such as:

  1. How many previously healthy people have been killed or permanently disabled by these vaccines? Could it be more than 100,000 due to the VAERS under-reporting?
  2. How do you prove causality for all the neurological and cardiovascular events caused by the vaccine? (there are many different ways and we cover all the methods we use in detail in the paper)
  3. Since VAERS data and the CDC data clearly show that for people under 30 the vaccine kills more people than it would save, why would the CDC want to vaccinate anyone under 30? (Answer: because the CDC has no cost-benefit analysis by age that takes into account the VAERS fatality data).
  4. Will the CDC ever figure out that the vaccines are unsafe and should have been stopped after 50 people were killed? (Answer: that is really unlikely. The are not focused on safety at all. Any unbiased statistician who looks at the VAERS data is appalled and the more they look, the more appalled they get).
  5. How serious can these vaccines be long-term? (The answer to this should frighten everyone)
  6. Why does the FDA’s Director of the Office Of Biostatistics And Epidemiology (Steven Anderson) refuse to even look at the data showing that tens of thousands of people have been killed by the vaccines?
  7. Will anyone in Congress ever ask for the FDA report showing there are no vaccine related deaths? Why not?
  8. Why is the vaccine causing so many neurological and cardiovascular problems?
  9. How can I treat my post-vaccine inflammation syndrome (PVIS)?
  10. How can I fight vaccine mandates from my employer or school? What did they do wrong in the Houston Methodist case? Where can I join a class action?
  11. Can I get compensated for my vaccine injuries?
  12. Is this vaccine really more deadly than all of the other 70 vaccines combined in the last 30 years?
  13. They claim there are no deaths from the vaccines. How are they categorizing all the dead bodies from the vaccine? (this answer to this one surprised us and it will really surprise you)
  14. Why haven’t the FDA and CDC investigated the fraud in the Pfizer Phase 3 trial where a 12 year old became permanently paralyzed less than 24 hours after taking the vaccine and it was reported as a minor event?
  15. Is early treatment a better option than vaccines? Why has the NIH not promoted any of these treatments despite clear and compelling evidence that they work?
  16. Why aren’t there any autopsies for people who die after vaccination? Don’t people want to prove that it wasn’t the vaccine?
  17. If the vaccine is so safe, then how come half the deaths happen within 3 days of vaccination? And why does the death rate peak on the second day?
  18. If the vaccine is so safe, how come there are so many deaths of people under 30 in their sleep less than 24 hours after vaccination? That never happens, right? How do you explain those?
  19. Why were people who died 15 minutes after vaccination removed from the VAERS reporting system?
  20. How many people have to die before they call a halt to the nonsense?
  21. Why isn’t the press asking any of these questions?
  22. How can four British Airways pilots all die shortly after vaccination? How can BA claim that the deaths aren’t linked if they don’t know the vaccination dates of the four pilots? And why won’t they answer that question?
  23. Why is it 2,500 times safer to opt for early treatment than the vaccine if you want to avoid permanent neurological or cardiovascular damage?
  24. Why aren’t any Democratic committee chairmen asking NIH for Tony Fauci’s unredacted emails so we can expose the fact that he funded COVID and then tried to cover it up? And why isn’t the press asking them this question?
  25. Why are the NIH and WHO pretending that early treatments don’t work when it is obvious to everyone, including the WHO’s top consultant on ivermectin, that they do work? He even published a paper in a top peer-reviewed journal about it.
  26. How can Moderna send the University of North Carolina a coronavirus vaccine to test two weeks before anyone knew COVID even existed? How did Moderna know in advance the exact best vaccine to create?
  27. Will a safe vaccine be available soon? From what company? When?
  28. Why are top universities like Stanford and Harvard requiring vaccination for students when they’ve never done the calculation that would show the policy would kill (and disable) more students than it would save? Shouldn’t they at least have the numbers derived from the VAERS system to show the parents? Why aren’t any parents asking for this? How can we be telling our kids to get a vaccine that is more likely to kill them than to save them?
  29. How come there is still no informed consent for the vaccine experiment underway?
  30. Aren’t these experiments a violation of multiple parts of the Nuremberg Code?
  31. Where is the proof that nobody has been killed or permanently injured from the vaccines? Since these vaccines are not approved, the burden is on the drug company to show that all the deaths and permanent disabilities in VAERS were not vaccine related. Where is the analysis? Can we at least see Pfizer’s analysis of Maddie de Garay’s case where she was permanently paralyzed less than 24 hours after the shot? Why is the press not asking for this analysis? Or asking why nobody at the CDC, FDA, or NIH followed up on this case. She was in the Pfizer 12-15 year old clinical trial. Surely, there must be an analysis proving her sudden paralysis was caused by “something else.”
  32. How come nobody from any of the agencies or academia will debate Dr. Robert Malone and Professor Byram Bridle on vaccine safety? What are they so afraid of? (Answer: they are afraid of losing very badly.)
Here are some answers to these questions...

IMHO, the best thing to do is tell them, "Yes, of course I got the vaccine." That will get them to go away...hopefully. Do you think LYING TO SATAN is a bad idea?
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Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Poll: Will you be putting a No Trespassing Sign at the public egress access points to your house/private property?

1) No
2) Yes
3) Already have

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸
Nope. It's redundant....anyone not expressly invited via some sort of business contract~utility trucks, delivery trucks, etc. are already trespassing and they are full aware of it. At the beginning of our road/driveway, which is a private road we share with neighbors, we have a "Private Road: No trespassing allowed" sign already clearly visible to all who would enter the road. That's pretty standard out here in the sticks.


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
We have had a 'No Trespassing' sign up since we moved here along with a "Smile, You Are On Camera" sign.

I had to go into town this evening, I noticed some new No Trespassing signs up along the way. Not a lot, but enough to catch my attention and that they were new and shinny.

I'm currently debating... if I should or shouldn't put some up. Now I'm having to make a decision about something that's just so obvious, it boarders on a new level of stupidity. We live in the country and we also live by the no tresspassing law anyways and without having to have signs, it's easy... You don't go into else's property unless you know them pwrsonally or you have their approval. It's called being respectful.

But I suppose for it to be "legal" and "blatantly obvious" to people who are not respectful, you need a sign up. A camera probably wouldn't hurt either. The world we are currently living in, is such a strange place.

Definition Strange: different from what is usual, ordinary, or expected: Odd

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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