Learn to live without the Internet!

Niele da Kine

Power Conserver
Nov 16, 2010
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Hawaii, "the Big Island"
There were cans for quite a few years, I'm remembering something like thirty something years but that doesn't seem right, before can openers were invented. That's probably why they have those iconic images of hobos with cans around a campfire and they have those raggedy edges with a curled up lid.

As far as the power going down, when ours does it's our own dang fault and then we gotta fix it. Being off grid doesn't mean you have to live by candle light, we manage "monitor" light just fine. :caf


Sustainable Newbie
Dec 7, 2010
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I've got PDFs of all the important stuff I need or make PDFs of sites I need info from and print the PDFs of those sites out and put them in one of several notebooks. I also have backup copies of all of my preps/survival/financial/other pertinent information backed up on password-protected flash drives that I keep in a couple different locations. I don't need extensive Internet access, just enough time online to grab the info I need and log back off. FWIW, the site CutePDF.com is where I downloaded a free program to make PDFs of any pages--just like Adobe Acrobat, but it's free. This has been a huge help for me and it's made it a lot easier for me to share some of my prepping ideas and articles with people by sending them the files in PDF format.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
bluestar-ranch said:
My solution for ME?

Soon, very soon you will be able to "copy/duplicate store and transport your soul/being" to other dimentions or places/time.... We are in a game people and the Interent is the porthole! So now you see why it will be controled.
Really? How?



Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
bluestar-ranch said:
My solution for ME?

I am getting off of the Interent "grid" now and learning how to make do with basic items, sustain my family on the ranch and NOT depend on the Interent... there is a whole world without the Interent and you can live it if you want to..

The Internet has been around for one brief generation.... LEARN how to make do without it as one day the TPTB will shut it down and control you! (ok you can make your own, but it wont be the same)

THOUSANDS of years people have managed without the Interent.. so can you.

The Interent is the biggest bubble yet! just look at how people are being snared for "convenience"
Peoples banking, shopping, selling buying, entertainment, socialism, communication, business transactions... need I say more? in the near future...

Soon, very soon you will be able to "copy/duplicate store and transport your soul/being" to other dimentions or places/time.... We are in a game people and the Interent is the porthole! So now you see why it will be controled.

I will just learn to "live" as a person.. I am tired of playing this game... its not fun anymore. I will just pretend the Interent does not exist! and enjoy my ranch!

"Failure is not falling down, rather refusing to stand up" Proverb
I understand exactly what you are saying. This is obviously the right move for you...disconnecting the internet and wanting out of the rat race.

Bye :frow

well, ya might not get this reply cause you are alreay disconnected...lol
oh well.....

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