Lessons from Haiti?


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
k0xxx said:
Below is a small part of text from an article on SurvivalBlog.com titled "America is More Like Haiti than We'd Like to Think".

Teaching for the Moment

Elementary school teachers here in the United States use the phrase "teach for the moment," to describe turning current events into teaching opportunities. I recommend that any conversations amongst your neighbors, coworkers, or church brethren be used as opportunities to spread the philosophy of family preparedness. Water cooler chit-chat should not just be "ain't it awfuling" sessions. You should instead use such conversations to encourage others to actively prepare for similar situations. And if anyone says, "Oh, but it couldn't happen here," then just remind them about the aftermath Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Not only has it happened here before, but it is likely to recur often within our lifetimes.

The Haitian earthquake of 2010 is a stark reminder of the fragility of all societies. It shows us that we need to be well-prepared and vigilant. And for those of us that are not Secret Squirrels, we should also be quietly and persistently leading public opinion, locally.

I believe that we should all consider our duty, as members of this species, to try to educate others on preparations. Granted, there will always be some that are "unteachable". When I run into those types, I just change the subject and wait for the next "Teaching for the Moment" opportunity.
Very well put!!!

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