the higher protein feed required to maintain lactation in a male like that would likely lead to urinary calci and painful/dangerous blockges (same reason they don't suggest alfalfa hay for bucks)
Got a problem again. Okay, now its another goat and another problem. I now have a stanchion and I'm able to put the new momma in it, but she goes nuts when I try to milk her. DS went out there to help hold her down until I get it going, but she bucked so much, she got out of the stanchion.
She has lots of milk, but I only milked her one and 1/2 times. Its time for me to see what she will really do for me, because the babies are 3 days old.
Okay.......thats my problem. How to calm a wild goat, so she lets me milk her?
Gotta run a 2 hour minimum chore, then hopefully someone with the know how will have responded. Short of sedation, I don't know what to do.