Letter to Obama from 4th Grade Teacher


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
I haven't read all 14 pages, laziness on my part. Has anyone mentioned that according to Snopes the letter was not written by the person to which it was attributed?
Jan 24, 2009
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It wasn't a real teacher. Just a fictitious letter conjured up by those that wish for Obama to fail. I don't understand what this country is coming too. Obama is supposed to be addressing the school children of America on the 8th I think. There are actually school districts that are sending permission forms home for parents to sign in order for their children to be able to watch their President who was elected in a landslide election. Bush 41 sent out a message of do well in school so you can prosper in life. Bush Jr sent out a message of we need to cut taxes for the top 2 percent. Is Obama going to do something R rated? It's ridiculous to say the least. I'm so very ashamed of some of my fellow countrymen.

Sorry just heard about that and it really PO'd me.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Yeah, I was pretty disgusted to hear about that, too. I don't care whether you agree with Obama or not, Bush or not. At least use the speech as a way to open conversations with children.

I guess people think Obama has incredible powers to indoctrinate children via a TV address in less than 60 min.

In WI, some districts are not broadcasting it at all since so many parents threatened to keep their kids home from school. They are saving the address to be used by teachers at a later time if they so wish (and dare).

Give me a break!
Jan 24, 2009
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I'm disgusted at the parents acting like that. What is the deal anyway. We've had some pretty bad Presidents in this country. Obama has only been in office 8 months. The problems this country is experiencing are in no way his doing. So far the programs he has instituted appear to be helping the country. So what is the deal? I couldn't stand Bush, but I would never have kept my kids home from school so they couldn't hear how the rich people needed a tax break to start the country in the wrong direction.

There's only one big difference between this President and all the ones before him. It's obviously a real difficult difference for a lot of people to wrap their heads around.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Big Daddy said:
I couldn't stand Bush, but I would never have kept my kids home from school so they couldn't hear how the rich people needed a tax break to start the country in the wrong direction.
Exactly. I actually made a point of listening to his radio addresses when I could. Sometimes, it validated my dislike of him and his policies. Other times I had to admit he had a point or two. I cannot stand it when people WILL NOT LISTEN to people they do not like. It strikes me as unreasonable.

There's only one big difference between this President and all the ones before him. It's obviously a real difficult difference for a lot of people to wrap their heads around.
I don't know whether it is racism or not. Maybe it is just that there is SO much garbage the country is facing right now and a scapegoat is needed. I really would expect some of this kind of tension later in his term, not so soon after he has taken office.
Jan 24, 2009
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I think there is a little under the radar racism. In a small percentage of people though. Mostly it's just that the country was in horrible shape when he took over. The opposing party is doing everything they can to paint hm as a big spending incompetent. I've just never seen this level of vitriol before. A lot of it has to do with talk radio. Before 911 their audience was inconsequential. Since 911 and the thirst for info that incident brought about they have really grown.

Of course there was a lot of hate directed at Bush. He got off to a bad start with the questionable results in Fl. Then he was on vacation till 911. Then after that he did a lot of stuff that was unpopular. He earned his dislike. Obama has only been in for a little under 9 months. They should give him a chance to earn all the contempt they are showing him. Heck at least listen to him. I went through 5 TV's listening to Bush.


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
I thought I made a post and it isn't there. It wasn't even bad. Maybe I didn't hit the right button so here it is again. (Or maybe I posted it somewhere else.)

This reminds me of being forced to watch the world series in junior high PE.

Irrelevant, maybe.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
Something's a bit odd right now, dacjohns. The entire thread on Obama's broadcast to students next week completely disappeared! Maybe that's where you first posted the missing comment?


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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The government should not and can not pay for your entire life on this earth. It doesn't work that way and can't. They have to protect your basic rights as a citizen, protect our country, etc....but they do not have to support your life.

To me, people are asking way too much for the government.

We simply can not afford it. The govt. is not a money tree. And that money is coming from me and you and everyone paying taxes. Then the states get their taxes to help their individual residents. Same with them, only tax paying citizens can support that state.

When "we hard working people" can not bear the burden anymore of being taxed, where do you expect money to come from to support every single citizen in their life??? It can not happen.

Fraud to me is a biggie. If fraud were taken out of welfare, viola, alot more money would surface as with every other agency out there.

And if agencies were used properly, like welfare again, for short term help as it was intended, then again, money would appear. Welfare is now a generation after generation income for families. While it helps those who need and should get that short term help...welfare has vaulted into a money pit of despair!! It will ruin this country along with many other well intended but money pit agencies.

Education was never intended to be govt. backed. Education was left at the state level and to be handled as the state deemed fit. Now education is in the hands of the govt. It can not afford every single bit of education out there to be handed to you on a plate. We the citizens can not afford to do that. Basic education is fine, above that, go "buy" your next level of education.

One thing I hear over and over---is I want, I need (and it is expected to come from the govt.)

The citizens are the government. If more would realize we have control but choose to give it away and let this farce continue unchecked, then we the citizens deserve what we get.

Suck the govt dry, stomp your feet, get mad, pay more taxes to support the citizens who can't or won't support themselves. At some point the middle class supporting the govt will no longer be that, they will be the ones in the welfare lines. It is happening now.

And I for one will not give up my hard earned money easily, and I won't give up my buying power for a good life as best I can make it to continue to help an entire nation. I give my fair share. I can only hope who is elected can combat fraud and learn to run the govt. as a true business that it is.

We have amended amendments over and over again. Giving the govt. more control constantly over us. We need to fight back for control and one way is not asking constantly for the govt. to run our lives. When we ask for help from the govt...it comes with many strings attached.

Basic healthcare available to citizens who can't afford it yes. BUT remember there will have to be a cap on that. You can't have every single test out there...you can't have over the top special treatment paid for you....it can't be afforded that I can see the way our healthcare is set up. To achieve that is just a monumental task. One I don't think the govt can handle.

Therefore you must have private insurance at some point and "buy" your medical tests the best way you can.

Canada supplies healthcare but there are limits to that. The Canadians can purchase supp. med insurance to go "buy" the extra tests they may want and to cover gaps etc.

One thing I do know, the govt. can not support your everyday life til the grave. (um, we the tax paying citizens can't do that)...it is not monetarily possible.

The govt. truly doesn't owe us nothing more than the right to protection and security for our nation and freedom of our rights.----everything else is an amendment that costs money and control on the govts. part. And again, they can not pay for people living entire lives off their payroll.

It just can't happen.

In this give'me, I want, I need, I must have, I deserve!! time, no one truly wants to pony up the fact that they need to live their lives, in bad times or good times and have control over their own being. The govt. is not there to do that for us.

Well---that is me just rambling my thoughts. I read the thread and I know people have it hard out there, but demanding everything from the govt. is not the answer. It can not give everything. And it shouldn't in my opinion.

so just chatting away.

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