Lifestyle / Standard Of Living - Easy to expand, hard to contract


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Buster said:
We are frugal for a purpose.

We wanted something in particular... a home in the country on a few acres. In order to do this, we needed to become debt free and to remain that way. We have, therefore, few new things.

But I don't consider that our "standard of living" has shrunk at all. We have merely decided to forgo some things in order to accomplish others. You can live quite a satisfying life if your priorities are to have and do certain things that aren't necessarily based on a consumption-oriented lifestyle.

Besides, we enjoy the challenge.

Our next goal is to pay off the farm and save up enough to be financially independent.
good post Buster

I think you make a great point for earlier post I said I am converting back to basics......but your point of standard of living hasn't shrunk is a good thought!!! Mine hasn't either, just my accumulation of junk has shrunk...!!

I am right along with it off as fast as possible and live free and clear. Will be a nice change! One I can't wait for!!!! Yippee!!!!!


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 12, 2008
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I would say we are #1....My dh grew up 'dirt-poor', he knows how to be frugal/tight, he's a work-aholic, he can do/build/repair- just about anything--either self taught or learned because his family had nothing extra. On top of all that he is a pack-rat. He doesn't want to give/throw or donate anything that he might ever need. By being a tightwad, a packrat, frugal and a workaholic--we have done well for ourselves with several houses, we have acreage in two counties, lots of boy toys ,we have been able to support his mother thru her later yrs, raised our kids and put them all thru college (with no loans/grants/gifts). And the best thing thru all this --he is so humble--never boostful or brags....