Power Conserver
I spent a good portion of the weekend running around getting my milk from several sources since I am not lucky enough to have cow or goat yet. I also got a great bargain on two REAL dressers at a yard sale... I had been looking for a real dresser, not plastic, not particle board but has drawers and not a million know how hard that is to find? Well on the way from the cow milk pick up and driving to goat milk pick up (and playing with goaties!) I saw a yard sale and a real dresser. So, I made a u-turn...two dressers for $! I have a station wagon...great for one dresser...not so much for two, so had to go back the next day. (an hour away from my house)
Anyway, milk goodness and dresser Sunday, 2nd dresser and apple goodness Monday (my every other week day off). The rest of Sunday and Monday was working around homestead, making cheese, having friend over for dinner, and rearranging everything in my part of house (only somewhat successfully).
Well, the sad part is about my little girl...the baby polish. I got 4 polish chicks a few months ago - various ages from a somewhat local source (if you call 2 hrs away local). The one mix (Polish/Sebring) ended up being a roo but the purebreds were what I roo and 2 girls. I need a new home for the Polish/Sebring, Elvis....he is beating up on Lil Dude (the banty rescue). Anyway, one of the girls is smaller than everyone else and so incredibly sweet. I thought she was just younger...I am not so sure now. About a week ago I noticed one of her wings was drooping and then a few days later the other one. I thought maybe she hurt herself, I checked it out and there is not outward injury I can see. Now she is having trouble with one of her legs. I have no idea what it is...will be heading over to BYC soon. No one is picking on her but I put her in a crate inside the coop with everyone else. I did see others kind of trampling her a bit and she is having a hard time getting around so I want her to have her own water and food. I will be separating out a part of the coop next Sunday and she and Lil Dude can live in there together and it will be a place for when I have babies too. I am afraid she is not going to live long and it is sad, she is such a sweet little thing.
This pic is from about a month ago...she is sitting a bit oddly here but at that time there was no issues with her wings or legs.
Here is a pic of Lil' Dude
And one of Elvis...I need a new home for him and a Cayuga Drake...too many drakes...Lady Rowena is getting just a bit too much attention! Just too many boys!
Anyway, milk goodness and dresser Sunday, 2nd dresser and apple goodness Monday (my every other week day off). The rest of Sunday and Monday was working around homestead, making cheese, having friend over for dinner, and rearranging everything in my part of house (only somewhat successfully).
Well, the sad part is about my little girl...the baby polish. I got 4 polish chicks a few months ago - various ages from a somewhat local source (if you call 2 hrs away local). The one mix (Polish/Sebring) ended up being a roo but the purebreds were what I roo and 2 girls. I need a new home for the Polish/Sebring, Elvis....he is beating up on Lil Dude (the banty rescue). Anyway, one of the girls is smaller than everyone else and so incredibly sweet. I thought she was just younger...I am not so sure now. About a week ago I noticed one of her wings was drooping and then a few days later the other one. I thought maybe she hurt herself, I checked it out and there is not outward injury I can see. Now she is having trouble with one of her legs. I have no idea what it is...will be heading over to BYC soon. No one is picking on her but I put her in a crate inside the coop with everyone else. I did see others kind of trampling her a bit and she is having a hard time getting around so I want her to have her own water and food. I will be separating out a part of the coop next Sunday and she and Lil Dude can live in there together and it will be a place for when I have babies too. I am afraid she is not going to live long and it is sad, she is such a sweet little thing.
This pic is from about a month ago...she is sitting a bit oddly here but at that time there was no issues with her wings or legs.

Here is a pic of Lil' Dude

And one of Elvis...I need a new home for him and a Cayuga Drake...too many drakes...Lady Rowena is getting just a bit too much attention! Just too many boys!