Power Conserver
One of the babies Mani has been sittin on hatched! Looks like one of the pure Buff eggs!
Hopefully there will be several more hatching too! I will be running to the barn as soon as I get home!
In the meantime, it has been one of those weeks. Never enough time to get everything done.
Last night I got 11 quart bags of eggplant put in freezer. Those will be lots of lunches for the ones in cubes...I like them roasted. The sliced ones will be for eggplant parm and such over the winter...along with the tomatoes that have been put up (canned and frozen). I couldn't resist the eggplant, I stopped at one of the little farm markets and she was just bringing the eggplant in fresh picked and only $1 each for really big perfect looking purple eggplant! Numm Numm. Tonight I will be roasting one to have with fresh tilapia with roasted red pepper cream sauce. Organic cream and the peppers I roasted. Definite yummies!
I still have about a dozen and a half apples to put up. I plan to make them all into apple sauce for myself for lunches. Probably a few of apple butter for holiday gifts. And if I can get them done by Monday...go get more! I have a few other things to get put up mostly in freezer... onions and yellow squash and pickling okra. Monday is feed day (getting the 100# bag of feed and getting whole wheat and oats to sprout), apple day (hopefully) and meatie freezer farm day! (if my car acts right!) *crosses fingers and says a little prayer*
I was hoping to go hunting tomorrow but the weather is looking exceptionally crappy and another day of sitting in the woods in the rain with the squirrels all cozy does not make me happy. Sitting in the woods in the rain waiting for deer...sure! They have to eat sometime...the squirrels are all snug with their little stash of munchies wondering why we crazy humans are sitting in the rain.
But not going hunting at all would be blah too. Maybe we will jumpshoot for Canada Geese...they yummier than squirrels! I need to rearrange my freezers though...they are getting mighty full! Such a great feeling! If I get all my feather heads set for freezer farm there and a good deer and a few Snows...I will be all set for the Winter and Spring. Should be getting pretty good for veggies too if I can go punkin picking soon, they hadn't opened yet last weekend. 
So tomorrow up in the air but Sunday and Monday is pretty packed with homestead "to do lists" and studying...have my first test in Soil Science on Monday opening...due Friday but considering how my middle of the weeks are, need to get it done Monday night!

In the meantime, it has been one of those weeks. Never enough time to get everything done.

I still have about a dozen and a half apples to put up. I plan to make them all into apple sauce for myself for lunches. Probably a few of apple butter for holiday gifts. And if I can get them done by Monday...go get more! I have a few other things to get put up mostly in freezer... onions and yellow squash and pickling okra. Monday is feed day (getting the 100# bag of feed and getting whole wheat and oats to sprout), apple day (hopefully) and meatie freezer farm day! (if my car acts right!) *crosses fingers and says a little prayer*

I was hoping to go hunting tomorrow but the weather is looking exceptionally crappy and another day of sitting in the woods in the rain with the squirrels all cozy does not make me happy. Sitting in the woods in the rain waiting for deer...sure! They have to eat sometime...the squirrels are all snug with their little stash of munchies wondering why we crazy humans are sitting in the rain.

So tomorrow up in the air but Sunday and Monday is pretty packed with homestead "to do lists" and studying...have my first test in Soil Science on Monday opening...due Friday but considering how my middle of the weeks are, need to get it done Monday night!