I guess you now know why some SS'ers are paranoid. You never know when it will all be taken away. I hope the lady wins and that town has to give her back her rabbits and replace any that was lost.
You also have to keep in mind the games the state level gooberment is playing with raw dairies. Windsor can't sell cheese, cream, or yogurt anymore to its shareholders. You have to come out to the farm and make it yourself. Any illness caused by their raw milk? No. Any complaints from consumers? No. Just a bunch of idiots who keep reinterpreting the law to make things difficult for anyone to get raw dairy products.
I guess you just gotta be careful these days. I have a neighbor out at our cabin who bought two young does. He was very closed lipped about them until I asked if their names were "Lunch" and "Dinner"... then he confessed he bought them to eventually raise meat rabbits. I guess a PETA informant wouldn't ask that kinda question.
DH sent me an article about the FDA & raw milk (which of course I was already aware of ), & that led to a conversation about how soon it would be until backyard gardens will be illegal...yep, we're paranoid, too. :/
I had considered making this a thread that chronicles Local, State, and Federal governments encroachment on the liberties of those trying to be SS, as well a absurd overreactions by our "officials". I had originally thought to title it, "We're from the government, and we're here to help". I guess that I should have. Here's another example of overreaction. A Florida family, on a long flight from Israel to New Jersey, decides to pack a few vegetables for their sons to eat, instead of the packaged airline food. They forget about the veggies and checked the the "no" box on the form that asks if you have anything to declare. Instead of just destroying the vegetables as is the discretion of the customs agent, they get hit with a $300 fine. I understand the whole "agricultural integrity" thing, but $300 for an simple mistake is ridiculous. Family Fined $300 For Having Apple, Tomato, 3 Cucumbers In Backpack At Newark Liberty
It isn't just food animals. Our county just passed a new Animal Control law which has Stupid rules written into by consultants HIRED from outfits like HSUS $2000, PETA $3000 and a couple of local animal rights groups that provided their strange views free of charge. The Board of Health was the group responsible. According to NC law 2 members can be from the general puplic the other nine seats must be filled by members of certain professions like 1 Vet, 1 MD, 1 RN, 1 PE. 1 DDS etc. Well except for the Vet all the rest deal only with humans. Somehow the two general puplic seats were given to the heads of 2 animal rights groups. Well when the vet got a look at the proposed rule she said this is a load of crap [It is in the meeting minutes in quotes] When it was apparent that she was outvoted she resigned and contacted every other vet in the county all of which refused to serve on the board. This delayed things a bit but one of the chain practices moved the kennel keeper out of his room at their kennel and got a vet to move in so the board was legal again [guess who got the contract to put all the animals down and to provide nutering and microchiping services required by the new law]
Despite protests from the vets and the Sherriff that was required to enforce the law it passed and went into effect June 1st. Since then the sherriff has been required to raid one family home 13 times! Their big crime they have two purebred dogs that they breed once per year in side their home and sell the pups through a pet store. Since they sell through the store they are called a puppy mill. According to the law the sherrif is required to investigate every tip. He finally got fed up and when he reported to the Board of Supervisers he said that he had gotten a tip that they were drugies and he would have to investigate each of them. They got the message and will change the law so he will only have to investigate signed written reports.
This may be a little topic drift but when I was still working I spent a lot of time in Modesto, CA. I had a lot of time on my hands in the evenings so I read lots of news papers, magazines,etc. sitting around the pool at the motel. It seems that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), which is one of the most radical, militant, and ridiculous animal rights groups in the world, does not like the idea of people owning dogs and cats. They object to people using the term "my dog" or "my cat". They say this is a type of slavery. They want to give these animals some type of citizen status and pass laws to allow the animals to choose their living partners and conditions. I think the HSUS got into the loco weed and enjoyed it.
Please do not confuse this whacked out group with your local Humane Society.