Crazy Cat Lady
The local-ness of local
P) kind of depends what you mean.
One thing is just, trucking miles from farm to you.
But another thing is, how much stuff was trucked from far away TO that farm to grow the stuff. So for instance poultry raised at a nearby farm eating feed grown 2,000 miles away is a lot less local than poultry raised on a nearby farm eating feed grown 20 miles away or on-site.
And another another thing is the economic local-ness. A megacorp like Jenny-O or whatever is sending most of the money you give 'em for your turkey to people far far away; when you buy a turkey from a farmer similarly close to you but he is selling his OWN turkeys, he's not a grower for a big corporation, the money is going more into the local economy.
It's a personal choice how much any of these things matter to you of course, especially when price (and quality and environmental effects) are also being factored in.
One thing is just, trucking miles from farm to you.
But another thing is, how much stuff was trucked from far away TO that farm to grow the stuff. So for instance poultry raised at a nearby farm eating feed grown 2,000 miles away is a lot less local than poultry raised on a nearby farm eating feed grown 20 miles away or on-site.
And another another thing is the economic local-ness. A megacorp like Jenny-O or whatever is sending most of the money you give 'em for your turkey to people far far away; when you buy a turkey from a farmer similarly close to you but he is selling his OWN turkeys, he's not a grower for a big corporation, the money is going more into the local economy.
It's a personal choice how much any of these things matter to you of course, especially when price (and quality and environmental effects) are also being factored in.