Bush Woman
Power Conserver
Hi everyone!!
I live in Alberta, Canada! Born and raised in the rugged B.C. bush! 50 miles from the closest settlement, which is quite a distance out there cause we only traveled by horseback or with a team and wagon/sled! Growing up and a large portion of my adult life, I have lived completly off grid! "If we couldn't grow or make it, we didn't have it!" We grew, made, picked, raised, and hunted all out food, made our cloths, soap and even dishes. (There were a couple other families in the area that did the same that we traded with).
Now, I am only partially self-sufficient, as we do have power, vehicle and buy the odd storebought item! Lol, like cloths! People around here look at ya pretty odd when you come to town in buckskin!
I can't wait to answer questions, ask advice and learn/give advice with all of you fine folks!!

Now, I am only partially self-sufficient, as we do have power, vehicle and buy the odd storebought item! Lol, like cloths! People around here look at ya pretty odd when you come to town in buckskin!
I can't wait to answer questions, ask advice and learn/give advice with all of you fine folks!!