Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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So...I went to the chicken swap Saturday while Chad took the kids to the Children's museum. I am sad that I missed out on that but they had fun and we'll go again, the kids are already asking. Today is gymnastics, I have to run to the post office later to mail my mom a package. This week is gonna be all about frogs...Tyler checked out every book he could find on frogs at the library. We watched Nature on PBS last night, I let the kids stay up past bedtime to finish it...it was all about hummingbirds. It was really cool.

I didn't sell the black pair of runners at the swap, even though I had a lady tell me she wanted to get them Sunday :rolleyes: So they are back home with me and I picked up two new hens from the same lady that brought me a buck rag....unfortunately, they have roundworms. :he They are in quarantine for at least a week and my entire flock is getting DE daily for the next 3 weeks. I sent her an email and told her they were infested and she probably should treat her entire flock if these two were pooping out adults over 2 inches long. They have both been with me since Saturday afternoon and neither has laid yet either so until I can see what is going on with them I may or may not keep them. If they are too bad I may just take them back to the lady and get my money back. She said she got them as chicks this spring so they should be laying but with the worms I don't know if that is affecting it or if the stress of the move has just made them off a bit.

The last 3 ducklings are leaving friday if it kills me and I will probably order the meaties this week too. I have to clean out the brooder. I think I'm gonna get 35 and just do them for us.

Hubby doesn't want to clean out the other freezer cause he says that since it has been closed up with the mold and mildew for so long it will make everything we put in it taste off, if it even works at all. What do you guys think? If we pressure wash it and bleach the crap out of it and let it sit with the top open for a while will it be okay to put food in?


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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We use ozone for issues like that.
Bleach, sun and a scrub brush is your best bet otherwise. Then a test run.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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North Central Florida
TanksHill said:
I say scrub it with bleach and soap then let it air. The lemon juice might be a nice touch at the end.

I have cleaned plenty of smelly fishing coolers, always with lemon juice. It works great to get rid of the odor, not mask it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 10, 2010
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Gobles Michigan
JRmom said:
TanksHill said:
I say scrub it with bleach and soap then let it air. The lemon juice might be a nice touch at the end.

I have cleaned plenty of smelly fishing coolers, always with lemon juice. It works great to get rid of the odor, not mask it.
Agreed works great for odors but I never let my cooler get moldy.
A strong bleach and detergent mixture is the best solution to kill mold and mildew I use an extra strong solution of it to wash the exterior of my home Just spray it on and rinse it off after a few minutes and rarely is any scrubbing even necessary.
BTW I only use Clorox. I have found other brands are not as effective.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I would go with the bleach and then the sun - to first kill the mold - and then if it still stinks I would use the de-skunk treatment that works for skunk odors.


1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 cups corn starch
1 teaspoon liquid dish SOAP - like Ivory liquid (not dish detergent)

It worked on Mythbuster's against skunk juice it should work on a stinky freezer!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Thanks guys....I'm wiped out and mentally exhausted. After trying to get my son to do a worksheet I am giving up. He is definitely a kinesthetic learner and for now I am just not gonna even try. He was in tears. I feel guilty cause my husband bought them the workbooks from the children's museum and for now they are just gonna have to go unused. My mom too, she just sent them both a stack of workbooks :rolleyes:. I'm looking for cut and paste activities and I am thinking of using the letters from one of his wooden puzzles to teach spelling and reading and taking him out on the trampoline (if it will ever stop raining....ugh) to learn anything repetitive like counting by 2's, 5's, 10's etc.

He seems to do well with math worksheets as long as I give him cubes or sticks to count with so periodically we'll do those. I am working on trying to find some cut and paste type stuff for him to do with other subjects and yesterday I was so tired (cousin dropped off 3 of her 4 kids at 6:30am for me to get on the bus) and they woke everybody up so we were all tired and cranky yesterday and took it easy. I made some picture flash cards a while ago so we played with those. Sorted into different categories like food, animals, tools, etc. and made it into a bar graph and talked about greater than and less than. Then we drew pictures on a white board to do compound words and they had a good time with that. Then we turned over all the cards and picked one and had to describe the picture to see if the others could guess what it was from the clues (adjectives, adverbs). That was fun. Then we read for a while and watched a dvd by the discovery channel on Alaska and called it a day.

Today we have played some educational games online cause I am just beat. The rain woke everyone up at 4am and then the dogs had to go out and it was blowing rain all over the porch so I had to put Frawg in the crate for the rest of the morning cause she just wouldn't lay back down. Maddie woke me up from the little bit of sleep I got in between her howling at 7 and then had to go milk. I read a few stories but I am just exhausted. I haven't slept well in the last 3-4 days and I just feel awful. I wish I could take a nap but even last night Chad kept me up cause he wanted to discuss our sex life again.....seriously, can I just sleep please?

On top of that I took the kids to the pool before gymnastics Monday afternoon and while we were playing in the pool Tyler swam between my legs and heat butted me in the crotch....hard. Of course that's when my husband wants to have sex...I'm still sore from having a skull to the crotch. I think I'm getting ready to start my period too. :hide

I did sell the other pair of ducks so when K comes friday I will be down to 4. The lawnmower is finally fixed, don't know how much that is gonna be. The warranty didn't cover it. Figures. With all the rain we have had for the last week it looks like our yard is gonna eat us. We are seriously gonna have to mow it twice in two different directions on two different settings, a higher and then a lower. The goats just look depressed...they are so tired of being in the barn and the pasture is so high that the seed heads are hitting them in the eyes and they won't eat anything. They just hang out in the barn all day cause everything has been so wet. AND we are supposed to get a bad thunderstorm this afternoon. Great.

I just want to go somewhere alone and quiet. I think I may try to take the kids for a walk in a bit if we don't get rained out. Burn off some energy so maybe they will lay down later and let me take a nap. This weekend chad has 4 classes per day to teach near Appomattox and will be staying in a cabin at the campground. We could come stay with him but I have to be here to milk and we won't get to see him much with him doing all the classes cause his lazy no good partners aren't coming. Two said they might come out Saturday afternoon for a while so that leaves him pretty much to do the whole thing by himself. I'm pretty sure he is going to be done with the guide service after this season. These guys are just a joke. One says he isn't coming the whole weekend cause he wants to go bowhunting. Seriously, they have been booked for 4 months. I'll be glad when it's over and we don't have to deal with these losers anymore. One is a space cadet, one is a drunk, one is so busy with his business that he can't commit and the other is a lazy drunk with no work ethic. Chad ends up doing everything and they show up (late and either hungover or still drunk) to hunt. It sucks.

I think we are both just tired. I'll be glad when we can both get a break. October 1st is the pauwau here in Powhatan and the kids missed it last year cause of the event at Eppington house. The second day of the pauwau they got rained out. They loved it and really want to go back again, the state fair starts Friday too but I doubt we'll go....too far away. This is the sucky thing about having the animals, especially the goats...time restrictions. I gotta be here to milk so over night trips are out until I stop milking and by then it is winter and Chad doesn't want to go anywhere then. He really just wants to go to the beach to see his mom but one of us has to stay here. I'm fine with that...I get to veg out all weekend by myself and they get to go to the beach....I hate missing it but its okay. I wanted to take a day trip to the beach this past summer but it just never happened. Maybe next year. :/

I feel like I have the winter blahs early....maybe it is the week of solid rain. :hu

Sorry for the rant...just needed to get it out of my system.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
So sorry you are feeling down. I know everyone has days like that, but knowing that doesn't help much when you're living it, does it?

Kinesthetic learners can be harder to work with. I remember working with my son on the alphabet, and we hit on a fun activity that really seemed to help him-- I would call out a letter and he had to try to form the letter with his body-- with some of the letters we ended up just getting a case of the giggles!

DH had a string of dairy goats when he was in high school-- that's why he has categorically put his foot down on any dairy animals whatsoever. He still wants to be able to take vacations.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
I'm a both kinda learner :) I learn by reading and commit by doing. My mom started out single so I was raised by my mother, grandmother and great aunt. All three women love to read, so I was introduced to it real early :D Because of my Grandma and her sister I learned my alphabet and numbers and was reading at a first grade level by time my mother got married when I was three :D Of course, this meant I had a hard time focusing in class because I would read ahead of the teacher, and then keep reading because it looked interesting :rolleyes: Or I would bring a library book and crack that open while the teacher was reading to the class and apparently that was wrong? :lol: I think I graduated high school ranked at 91 out of 113 or something not because I wasn't smart but because I thought the homework was stupid :rolleyes: I could have been valedictorian if I would have applied properly :rolleyes: *shrug* and now I'm sitting here instead of packing *sigh*

:hugs for the anniversary and the missing the trips. If you want I can come watch everything for a couple days while you join your family at the beach :D I'd love to take care of goats and such for a couple days :) Congrats on the new firearm! I've often though about getting one, but then I figure I'll just whack whomever is bothering me with a large stick :) I'm relatively good with sticks of wood considering I've had no training whatsoever :) Plus, I keep Mathilda near me at all times when I'm at home and she's a lovely dull little piece of pain :D

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