Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Okay...updates. Went to the MRI and it turns out that I do NOT have osteoarthritis according to the good doctor (other office doc is a quack and totally useless but the good doc was on vacation when I got the initial diagnosis). The bad news is that I have a protruding disc between the L4 and L5 and some deterioration of the disc between L3 and L4. I pretty much suspected that. So now I wait. I have been referred to an orthopedic specialist on the 18th and hopefully he will do an injection in the disc to reduce the pressure on the nerves that are causing the pain down into my tailbone. It is tolerable but I'm babying it so I don't reinjure it before then. Yesterday we did a lot of walking, took the kids to the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and walked around Carytown in downtown Richmond. By 5 pm I was reaching for a percocet but it was tolerable.

In other news, I have a buddy coming Wednesday to help me do the split on my mother hive. He did 63 splits on his hives last weekend so I know he knows what he's doing. Bee meeting thursday as well as some other stuff to keep me busy.

Hubby ran his first 10K race today! He said he did really well and didn't have any back pain while running so that is great news for him!

I had a lady that bought a pair of ducks from me last summer bring one back to me after something got the female so now "Buck the duck" is in quarantine for a week until I can reintroduce him to the rest of the flock. That will bring me to 2 males and 3 females.

Rooster seems to be behaving although my favorite hen has taken to sleeping in the duck house to get away from him. Poor thing.

Laundry on the line, 2 more batches of kits due this week, Bethoron the goat is due in 2-3 more weeks and still sassy...probably gonna have 1 baby cause she is a little small, not sure Aliana is preggers at all....still acting like she is coming in heat but no discharge really and I'm not holding my breath but she isn't due until May 29th so we'll see, gonna spend the rest of the day hanging out and recovering from yesterday and watching it rain on my sheets and towels (crap).

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Ugh, hope the docs are able to do something for you. :hugs

Team Chaos

Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
As someone who has a very similar back injuries, I literally feel your pain! Yeeouch! I hope the injection works for you!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Lots going on...went to the pool with some friends yesterday and when we got home we crashed on the couch to watch the Chipmunk sequel that just came out on dvd...we hear the back door slam and our neighbor's little girl yells "Loooooorrrrriiiiiii....mama said to tell you that our hive swarmed if you wanna come see it" Well, who's gonna pass that up? So they called the president of our bee club and he came over and got them out of the tree and into a hive body and now I have to go check on them today every few hours to make sure they don't swarm again. I'm pretty sure we got the queen but some of the bees did fall off the branch so I'm gonna go take a peek if the wind will let up. I have some frames of drawn comb and I told them I would put another one in there for them to see if that would help them stay put. Very cool to watch!

I also have pics for you....our first litter of rabbits was born Feb 29th and we had 8. Sadly at around day 10-12 we lost 3 of the buns, don't know why but I'm guessing they just didn't get enough milk cause we had some porkers in the bunch. So, for your viewing pleasure...here are the 5 remaining bunnies.

we had 1 white, 1 "yard rabbit color" :p, and 3 black with brown bottomed feet (mama was solid white and daddy was black with brown bottomed feet)





And here's Bethoron...due to kid in 2 weeks...probably with a single, her first freshening

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I love baby buns. I don't know that I could ever raise them for food.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
Reaction score
the "wild" color would be Agouti or Chestnut depending on who you ask.
very cute babbits!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, I'm now the proud grandma of two more litters of kits! Sweet pea and Ginger both kindled last night. I went out to massive mounds of fur in both nesting boxes this morning so I pulled the hair off the top and voila! babies!!!!

Then hubby called me this morning and said he has a buyer for the 5 babies....live. I'm selling them for $15 each but I may switch out my junior white doe with the "yard colored" baby if it turns out to be a female. That rabbit is a big un! If it is a female then that would give me 4 different colored does cause now I have 2 solid whites. So it looks like i get to try to sex the babies today. My junior doe is a little on the small side but I was gonna breed her this month to see how she did before making the decision whether to definitely keep her or not. She was the runt of the last litter we purchased and was too small to process so we just kept her. I don't know if I want to keep her around if she is gonna have small, smaller sized litters though but you never know.

If that other one stays then she definitely goes.

Neighbor came over yesterday and got a wheelbarrow full of rabbit poo for their garden so that helped clean things up a bit. I still have poo leftover, not a lot but still a fair amount. Hubby put some of the poo into the compost pile and we'll probably spread some of it on the future corn patch. I went to check on the swarm of bees we caught Sunday for them and one of the bees from the "mother hive" popped me as I was walking by. Got me right on the eyebrow. I look like I've been in a fight this morning. My left eye is all swollen up...I took a benedryl when I woke up but I have a feeling I'm gonna have to take another one in a little while.

So for now I am washing bath towels and mats and getting ready to hang them on the line. Got all the rocks around the walkways and mulch pulled up and redone now that they have sunken in a bit. It looks a lot better but my back was killing me from all the leaning over. I also mulched and redid the rocks around my well cap where my gladiolas are. Buck the duck is getting along with the others, released him into the flock Sunday and after a few scuffles with the other male, and the rooster pecking both of them on the head "hey, you two....knock it off!" they are all getting along fine.

I'm waiting for an email from the lady with the buff brahma chicks that were supposed to hatch out this past weekend but I haven't heard from her yet to see how many hatched. I may end up getting some chicks from the next swap from someone and just settling for another breed. I just have to find out when the next swap will be. I'm also still waiting to hear from TSC on a shipment of mallards for Chad's client. I may go up there today, I need to run to the dump and the grocery store anyway so I'll be out.

Well, have a great day everyone!


Jun 27, 2011
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I hope your bee sting calms down soon! Benedryl give me a headache! Congratulations on all your baby bunnies! And the photos were lovely!!!!!!