LovinLife- Happy New Year's all!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
I live in VA or I would love for you to take them. I have been giving them catfood because that's all I had. Today I gave them some ground turkey and rice. They have had diarrhea like I have never seen... :sick :sick :sick They stayed in the garage last night and made such a mess! My husband "couldn't" clean it up so I had to. :sick It smelled like something died and then they pooped it out :sick . I mean peed it out of their butts! :sick God love 'em but :sick While I was cleaning it up and DH was gagging I reminded him about the Ruddy ducks I want....guess what he said :cool:

SD- Thank you for all your help. I will let you know what happens. I've been assuming that they were locked up because their nails are overgrown. I think their nails would have been filed down if they had been running the streets. I have a great local vet I will take them to as soon as I can and get them to check for microchips and ask for some advice, ask about shelters...etc. Thanks again. I will let you know!


Lovin' The Homestead
May 5, 2010
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Bloomington, IN
i don't know how your local AC/humane officers respond to cases like this, but IF they are the type to actually investigate and take action against the owner (i'm assuming the truck that dropped them was the owner, but SD brings up good points), you should contact AC right away. if you keep the dogs and get them healthy before contacting them, they won't have proof that the dogs were found in this condition. i don't think your photos will count because they're not official. (though i could be wrong on that.) however, if your AC is one of the many that is underfunded and understaffed, and you're afraid turning them in will result in no action taken and immediate euthanasia, then, well...

you could always call and ask them what they suggest. you don't have to tell them your information to ask what would happen. and then you can make an informed decision :)

good luck.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Isle of Wight, VA
I've adopted from our local AC and they do not have funding to care for a dog in this condition. They would just put him down. I also had a friend contact the office and speak with someone she knows there. At least with me they have a chance but I will see if they have a microchip. I will see what the vet says and do what I can afford. Me and some of my friends are going to try to raise money to take care of them. But first I want to get some food in his system so he can tolerate the trip.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Be careful cleaning up the mess. It sounds to me like they might be infected with a protozoa called Giardia. One sign of Giardia is mucus in the poo.

Dogs can pick this up from eating rotted food or drinking from contaminated water sources, so a starving dog is at great risk. The vet can cure it. I had a dog with it once and it is NASTY. Also the diarrhea can cause dehydration as well. You can give dogs Pedialyte - two to four cc per pound body weight per hour depending upon the severity of the dehydration.

Humans CAN be infected if that is the problem. Use extra caution and clean up floors with a bleach solution.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Isle of Wight, VA
Farmfresh said:
Be careful cleaning up the mess. It sounds to me like they might be infected with a protozoa called Giardia. One sign of Giardia is mucus in the poo.

Dogs can pick this up from eating rotted food or drinking from contaminated water sources, so a starving dog is at great risk. The vet can cure it. I had a dog with it once and it is NASTY. Also the diarrhea can cause dehydration as well. You can give dogs Pedialyte - two to four cc per pound body weight per hour depending upon the severity of the dehydration.

Humans CAN be infected if that is the problem. Use extra caution and clean up floors with a bleach solution.
Oh I DO and I AM!! Latex gloves and all!! :sick


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Sounds like the sooner you can get these pups in to the vet the better. Tell the vet they are rescues ... he might help you out on the fees.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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i definatly think a vet check is in order...at the very least they need stool samples and will likely need de-worming.
the female could do with a palipitation and potentially an xray, aborting the litter might be the best choice (theyll spay her while shes under) i know for some thats just not going to happen, its a horrible thing, but unfortunatly if the female is even remotly close to the condition of the male your going to have a dead mommy on your hands and a litter of puppies to bottle feed if they are lucky enough to make it.

the satin balls recipie is great, go SLOWLY (start out with marble sized balls and work up to small gofl ball sized, satin balls are rich and work fast, there great for putting weight on quickly but might be too much too soon.

ground meat (turkey or beef) or boiled chicken mixed with brown rice would be the best diet for them right now, bland bland bland and small meals frequently, add a tablespoon of unsweetend pumpkin to 2 meals a day to try and help control the runny poops. and a couple tablespoons of good live yogurt (or kefir would be great too)

the diahhrrea could be parisite/bacterial/viral related, but it also could be a direct result of eating anything...(especially cat food which can be incredibly rich for a normal dogs tummy lol) theyve been away from food for a while so any food can cause a very upset tummy.
pumpkin and probiotics will help settle the tummy and bind the poop to help give it some form.

that male is going to be a beautiful dog once hes not all skin and bones.

i definatly wouldnt take current impressions and actions around livestock as a do all end all right now, they are starving, probably straight from a hunting pack, an dhav eprobably not been around domestic livestock...keep them well seperated right now.

your an angel for taking these 2 in!

i dont know where any of these rescues are in relation to where you are but many rescue organizations are willing to arrange transport...might be worth putting in some calls. many will also work with you and even vets if your willing to foster them to help pay any veterinary bills ect...


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I just remembered the pumpkin for diarrhea but Pinkfox already mentioned it.

Hopefully the vet can help you guys out! :hugs


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I was going to mention a few things but pinkfox covered them nicely. I would guess the diarrhea is because of the cat food on an empty stomach. Cat food is really not for dogs and can make them ill/diarrhea/pancreatitis, etc. Bless you for giving them something however, we realize it was all you had. Give plain canned pumpkin if you have it or see if you can pick up a can, it is cheap. Dogs can also have people medicine for diarrhea, but you need their weight so the vet can help you with that.

I would TELL the vet that you are not financially equipped or prepared to deal with this and ASK for help from them or from a local rescue. Vets usually feel terribly for animals in that condition and may have returned bags of dog food, samples of flea medication, wormer, etc, that they could share with you and I've seen vets hand over hundreds of dollars worth of care for pitiful strays such as yours. I have worked in three different offices and all three (while they were NOT good employers) were very helpful and giving to the strays that were found by their clients. I would take in a stool sample as suggested but TELL them you fed cat food so they know it may be their system. Perhaps they can do the first nail trim for you, it can be difficult to get neglected feet back in shape and might take two trims.

Did someone actually SEE them physically dumped? You may not have to adhere to any laws....check with animal control. I did not have to adhere to any wait period before I did things with the dogs when I got one that people found died up in a park, and another that a person witnessed being thrown from a car (The Story of Kenai in my journal). They said those were "abandoned" animals and I did not legally have to search for the owner (after we ruled out a microchip). But the law in my county specifically states you may not spay-neuter an animal that is not yours legally. But if the female isn't too far along spaying her would be the best thing. She is in no physical shape for a pregnancy and the pups are likely several different breeds/dads if she was a stray for long. The vet can tell you what stage of pregnancy she is at.....if she is in later stages you should let her have them but expect to lose pups.

It would sure be nice if a volunteer group in your area could be found, there are people like me all over the country who WANT to help with this kind of thing, it is a matter of finding them. Your local vet will know who they are. I actually have to HIDE my phone number from vets around here hee hee hee, so I can be selective about my projects and not overwhelmed. But I'd jump right on the skinny dogs, that breaks EVERY rescuer's heart.......

By the way, before and after pictures would not do any good.....been there, done that....very hard to pin abuse cases on people.....

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