This is just my own opinion about computers being a neccesity or a luxury.....First of all, having internet access at work does not necessarily mean that a person can use it for their own personal use. When I worked for the public school system, it was a "no, no" to use company computers for personal use. If caught we could have been fired. Seemed the concern was that people could pick up a virus and mess up the work system; and the fact that we were being paid for doing the school a days work for a days pay.....kinda cheating the company when you do personal things on the computer on company time....right?
I have a computer, I love it, I use it alot! BUT, if I could not afford to pay for this service with what my paycheck is, then I would just have to forfit the luxury of having it. Ex....when I go to the grocey store and want rib eye steak and I do not have the funds then it's hamburger steak instead. I do not expect anyone to lower the cost of luxuries because I cannot to afford it. Shame on us, being so spoiled, always wanting something for nothing, or "free" at the expense of others!
I have a computer, I love it, I use it alot! BUT, if I could not afford to pay for this service with what my paycheck is, then I would just have to forfit the luxury of having it. Ex....when I go to the grocey store and want rib eye steak and I do not have the funds then it's hamburger steak instead. I do not expect anyone to lower the cost of luxuries because I cannot to afford it. Shame on us, being so spoiled, always wanting something for nothing, or "free" at the expense of others!