Crazy Cat Lady
Er, you know that Jason sells supplies as part of his business, yes? Just a sort of basic range. Owing no doubt to the high cost of importing things and maintaining a standing inventory...lupinfarm said:I really want to start a poultry supply business because as we all know it's terribly difficult to find poultry supplies.
Not trying to be a wet blanket, just pointing out that he's already doing it just down the 401 from you...
Have you talked with people about confining goat kids in page wire. Goats are exceptionally escapey, never more so than when they are tiny.Also, we've decided that come spring we're going to start get some goat kids. We're salvaging the old paige wire that was on the original farm fencing, there's some pretty huge sections out there and they're all in decent condition so we'll clip them off the t-posts, take the t-posts out for future use, then attach them to the back of the horse fencing so we can almost immediately accomodate goats come spring/summer.
I am totally jealous of you getting goats though, they are so much fun
Have fun,