luvinlife offthegrid- will winter ever arrive?

luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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Denim Deb said:
Sorry about your well. I don't know if this would help for a shower or not, but I have something similar to this.;Search-All+Products I use it when I'm camping, need a shower at the farm, or have a power outage. I need less than 5 gallons of water to get my shower.
That's a great little gadget! I sure could have used that while I was camping a lot in my twenties...

I'm thinking of hooking up a smaller tank to the gutter just so that it would heat faster than the big tank.


Power Conserver
Aug 9, 2012
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Where do you think?
Well, in case you need a low flow showerhead, (and this would be good for anyone into saving some water), then there is a Bricor .55 gpm showerhead. Considering a standard is 2.5 gpm, and most low flows are 1.5 gpm, This is a great idea....

I haven't seen any other showereheads that are as low flow...But I wouldn't know if it would keep the same pressure. I'm thinking about shopping around a bit myself. It is an expensive initial cost though...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I normally use a solar shower to heat up the water. I hate trying to get a shower w/one, but they do a pretty good job of heating the water-when it's sunny. :/ I'm really thinking of getting another to leave at home (the one I already have is out at the farm) and heating water on the wood stove over the winter. I figure that will help me save a ton of money.

luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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MarylandFutureFarmGuy said:
Well, in case you need a low flow showerhead, (and this would be good for anyone into saving some water), then there is a Bricor .55 gpm showerhead. Considering a standard is 2.5 gpm, and most low flows are 1.5 gpm, This is a great idea....

I haven't seen any other shower heads that are as low flow...But I wouldn't know if it would keep the same pressure. I'm thinking about shopping around a bit myself. It is an expensive initial cost though...
Right now we have a handheld with a hose (that is normally advertised for the elderly or people with physical issues). It has a few different stream choices, and one where you set it to trickle so it keeps the water temperature, but doesn't spray all over the shower (if you're sitting down on one of those in shower bench things). This way, I can use a decent pressure spray for my long thick hair, turn it to trickle, soap up, then rinse.

I am always looking for other options. Thanks, I will check it out.

luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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Garden is winding down. I have powdery mildew all over my pumpkins and zucchinis. Pumpkins weren't very productive. I got 3 pumpkins on 3 plants. Meh. I have to get my soil tested. Tomato plants have turned mostly yellow. My second planting of peas and beans are progressing nicely, but I think I planted them too late. I might set up a pvc tunnel over the raised beds to cover them once it starts to get cold at night. It's apple season, my favorite! :woot Getting ready to can case after case of applesauce pints. :ya

My April 9th pullets are laying, I have gotten my first green egg (from easter egger), and my first dark egg (welsummer). Both golden comets are laying. I am just waiting on my marans (it'll be a while), my barnevelder (it'll be a long while), and my other 2 EE's. Every time a new pullet lays, I get so excited. June 4th hatched girls will be quite a while yet.

First day of school for my son is today. Getting back into the morning routine was ok today. What a difference a half hour makes! I am nervous about his new school year, as there were so many challenges last year. :fl Just taking it day by day. That's all we can all do, right?

But this sunrise makes it all worth it.


luvinlife offthegrid

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 2, 2011
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It's been a while! I will try to pick up where I left off. Garden actually carried on well through the end of September. Got green beans, lots of lettuce, and peas for my second crop. Second round of peas were a bit starchy. Already planning my garden for next year. My son wants to grow more beets.

Lost my job- last day of work was 10/31. Everyone keeps expressing sympathy, but I'm really good with it. Now I have time for all the projects I want to do! We aren't stinking rich, but we're ok financially. House is paid off, my car is paid off, daycare that I'm saving is more than what I owe monthly for health insurance. I'm able to COBRA at the rate I was paying out of my paycheck for a year. I'm not commuting 28 miles one-way anymore and buying lunch and coffee out, so that's saving a lot too. We don't have a monthly electric bill, and we heat with wood. Only monthly bills are the DH's truck, Internet, and phones. We have a huge propane tank, so that is more of a big lump sum rather than a monthly expense. We have enough to last us through the winter for cooking.

I have been making TONS of jam and canned stuff. I am not buying any "stuff" for Christmas other than my kid. I never hear about the material items or gadgets I buy, and I never see said gift in the house. Each year I put a ton of effort into trying to find the perfect gift. It has grown to the point where people email links to something on amazon. That isn't the true spirit of gift-giving. maybe I'm just really bad at picking out things for other people. I can accept that. So... Each of the families we buy for are now going to receive a basket of homemade stuff. Whole wheat bread, jams, applesauce, and beets. I got the baskets 50% off, the basket grass was also on sale, and I have almost everything canned up that I'm giving out. I had a ton of gold ribbon leftover from last year for bows.

I am having a blast making the stuff. I bought little ceramic baking dishes and will fill them with homemade candles. I'm making a loaf of whole wheat bread for each basket. A packet each of mulling spices. I have boxes of crackers to go with the jams I made. A few go really well with cream cheese. My sister had some fabric scraps and I bought a little more for the jars. So far I have pickled beets, applesauce, cranberry tangerine spread, tomato basil jam, carrot cake jam, hot pepper jelly, and mixed berry jam. I just have to finish with a batch of marmalades. After that I can put the baskets together.

My kid started off the school year fine, but last week was rough. It has escalated a little bit week by week. I'm seeking professional help, as we have exhausted what the school is able to provide. He had a great soccer season, it gave him a lot of confidence. His latest obsession is chess. He also has a newfound love for cooking, so he helps with everything he can. He is now making the salad to go with our meals every night. I was a little nervous about giving him a knife because he is so clumsy, but he did great. He chooses recipes and we make them together. He has made great strides in everything except emotional control.

Hubby is still hauling water. i think he is finally wearing down. We should be drilling a well soon... ;) Fall has extended late into the season, and we got an inch of snow over the weekend, but it has melted already. We generally have lasting snow well before Thanksgiving. My sister and I cooked for the whole family, and we had a ball doing it.

I have 5 out of 21 hens laying. Lots of freeloading going on. The late molters are finally filling in their bare patches with feathers. I'm very thankful for my 2 red sex links, they lay an egg every day. The other 3 lay an egg every other day. Small potatoes compared to getting 5 dozen a week this summer!

Here are a few pics.





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