Lymes Disease


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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I got to see some electron microscope photos this week of the lyme cyst. Inside the cyst were many many spirochetes.

When the cyst breaks open they spill out and start forming new cysts. No antibiotic drug can get into the cyst. If an antibioitc does cure a lyme case it is because the drug was contantly present until all the cysts are gone.

Research with the electon microscope with lyme shows that antibiroitcs actually push the spirochete into the cyst form. ...
It is believed that cysts can endure for many many years while embedded deep in joint tissues.

See the research of DRs Robert Bradford and Henry W Allen "Lyme Disease, Potential Plague of the 21st Century"

According to the doctors I have been talking to about lyme they say that the only absolutely accurate method of diagnosis is with a dark field live blood analysis microscope. All the other tests provide false negatives too frequently making people think they do not have lyme when they actually do or still do.

There is an enzyme protocol that your daughter may be able to use concurrently with antibiotics... personally, if it were me I would get off the antibiotics and find a doctor that treats with alternative medicine only... just my opinion.

Here's the protocol:

The tick can also carry other bacterial or viral infections and often people find themselves battling several different things.

I cannot stress too much that a Lyme literate physician is required and no one else. Many of them are familiar with alternative types of treatment and do prescribe them but of course, not all.

To keep Lyme bearing ticks out of your yard get a couple of guinea hens. They will clear the ticks out pretty quick and a dog will keep deer and other small animals that may be carrying the ticks off your property too.

Advice on Lyme

This may be important information for those with Chronic Lyme or who have no insurance and no way to pay for conventional Lyme treatment. Always, if you can, see a Lyme literate physician.

I have a close friend who has had chronic Lyme for over 20 years. He sees a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who is Lyme literate. He has been treated extensively with IV therapy yet the disease persists even though his last IV treatments did him well for just over 2 years. In general he does well for long periods of time.

I am posting this to let you know about the treatment that he has used recently. His doctor, who is Lyme literate and spends much time attending seminars and treating Lyme patients has started to use a new protocol to dissolve the Lyme cyst that is the cause of chronic Lyme. Destroying the cyst has always been the main issue with treating chronic lyme, as it is believed that the cysts is buried deep in tendons and other dense tissues and literally hides from treatments. As far as they know no antibiotic has been able to penetrate the cyst so long antibiotic therapies have been required to keep killing the spirochete until all the cysts deteriorate on their own. This has proven to be years for some and for others no cure has been possible.
The new protocol to dissolve the cysts follow and must be done in a very specific way and can be used in conjunction with other Lyme treatments, including conventional antibiotics.

My neighbors recent flair of Lyme was not nearly as severe as his previous episode so they decided to treat at home with out IVs. They used Samento Tincture, Lyme Nosode, (a homeopathic preparation), and Colloidal Silver. The new part of the protocol that breaks open the cyst that was not available before is high powered digestive enzymes. It is essential to destroy the cyst then hit it hard with your antbioitic or what ever antimicrobial treatment you are using to kill the bacteria as soon as they pour out of the cyst before they can form new cysts. If cysts remain in the body eventually they will break open and your infection starts to surge again as the microbes spill out and start replicating.

This treatment has been effective for him this time around. I have not been able, nor his physician to get him to continue with this for long term. He gets sick of doing treatments. After about a week the herx reactions abated. I would think that doing the enzymes on a routine basis with an antimicrobial will eventually get all the cysts and prevent new ones from forming. I think it would take quite a while and it would be difficult to know exactly when to stop. The doctor that prescribed this treatment for him uses a dark field live blood analysis microscope to diagnose the cysts and I have seen the photos of them. He is now two months post his last treatment protocol and he is doing well.

The Enzyme product is called Marcozyme from Marco Pharma Int.
Roseburg, Oregon 97470

I do not know the cost of this product.

They are very high powered enzymes and one dose, 5 capsules/tablets equals:
Amalayse 27,500 usp
Protease 26,500 usp
Lipase 5,700 usp

These are very high dosages of enzymes and I think you may need physican assistance or someone licensed such as a nurse to help you purchase this product and I am making application at this time with the company to be able to purchase directly from them. But there is nothing to stop you from finding another similar product with a good reputation and taking enough to match the dosage. A product called called Nutriteck Poly Enzyme Plus should be able to do the work. Make sure the dosage you take at least covers the dosage I listed above for each dose you take. The Marcozyme product has been doctor recommended and if I could I would stick with that because it has been tested in this application.

Do not take these enzyme products if you have gastritis or ulcers. Heal that condition first.

These enzymes are for dissolving the cyst and it is essential to come in exactly one hour after taking the enzymes with your antimicrobial or antibiotic to clean up all the pathogens that have been released from the digested cyst.

The protocol is to take no food for 2 hours.
take 5 enzyme pills (of Marcozyme) which delivers the above stated amount of enzymes.
wait one hour set a timer.
take samento tincture
Do this twice a day.
Do not eat for two hours after the enzymes. Set a timer again.
You want these enzymes to be circulating in your blood not digesting your last meal.

Use the samento tincture (TAO free cats claw and you should be able to find a non-alcohol based tincture)with the colloidal silver or use the MMS for killing the bacteria that the cyst will release when it is broken.

(studies have shown that colloidal silver does not interfere with antibiotics. In one study it seemed to actually impove the antibiotics action.)

For samento tincture: start with two drops in a little water. If your microbe load is large you may feel sick after taking it. This is a detox. Take 2 drops for your next dose if you tolerated the first OK.. As you become able to tolerate your dosage increase by one drop with each dose. If you can't tolerate a dosage increase do not do it. Take the last dosage that you could reasonably tolerate. Work up to 15 drops two times a day one hour after the enzymes. If you are using samento this is also the time to take the colloidal silver. Take at least one ounce.

ASAP and Mesosilver are two products that naturopaths tend to carry. Nutrasilver is another good choice and it is the product of choice by those MDs who treat Morgellons disease due to its powerful action.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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The teasel looks very interesting... I find it hard to beleive that your daughter cannot take 2 drops of an alcohol tincture 2 x day? Did you discuss this with your doctor about that quantity of alcohol?
That would be less than 1/4 millileter, maybe even less.

There are other ways to make extracts without alcohol also but for some plants the alcohol is best to get out what needs to be gotten out of it.

The teasel plant looks like it meets the doctrine of signatures... that always amazes me.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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The following is copied from a report regarding long term doxycyline use to treat Lyme-

Lyme disease can cause horrible muscle and joint pain, severe brain damage, severe nerve damage manifested by loss of feeling in an arm or leg or horrible pain anywhere in the body. Most medical authors recommend treating Lyme disease with 30 days of intravenous Rocephin.

The patient goes to a surgeon who inserts a plastic tube in the veins of his arm. Then the antibiotic is pumped into his veins daily for 30 days at a cost of around 6 or 7 thousand dollars. For the last 5 years I have treated my Lyme disease patients who have muscle and joint pain and fatigue with doxycycline for many months. (However, people who have nerve damage caused by Lyme disease must be treated with intravenous antibiotics). I have been criticized by many of my colleagues for keeping my patients on doxycycline for such a long time. One neurology professor at Johns Hopkins told one of my patients that there was no evidence to treat Lyme disease long term with antibiotics. I have seen many patients who continued to have joint and muscle pain after a month of intravenous antibiotic treatment and they have cleared up completely after taking doxycycline for up to a year. Now I feel vindicated. The literature now shows that long term antibiotics is the only way to cure some patients with Lyme disease and that the $7000 intravenous treatment can fail to cure Lyme disease and that long term doxycycline pills can cure patients with Lyme disease, even after intravenous antibiotics have failed to do so.

By Gabe Mirkin, M.D., for CBS Radio News

ABSTRACT: Two hundred seventy-seven patients with chronic Lyme disease were treated with tetracycline for 1 to 11 months (mean, 4 months); the outcomes for these patients were generally good. Overall, 20% of the patients were cured; 70% of the patients' conditions improved, and treatment failed for 10% of the patients. Improvement frequently did not take place for several weeks; after 2 months of treatment, 33% of the patients' conditions were significantly improved (degree of improvement, 75%-100%), and after 3 months of treatment, 61% of the patients' conditions were significantly improved. Treatment outcomes for seronegative patients (20% of all patients) were similar to those for seropositive patients. Western immunoblotting showed reactions to one or more Borrelia burgdorferi-specific proteins for 65% of the patients for whom enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were negative. Whereas age, sex, and prior erythema migrans were not correlated with better or worse treatment outcomes, a history of longer duration of symptoms or antibiotic treatment was associated with longer treatment times to achieve improvement and cure. These results support the use of longer courses of treatment in the management of patients with chronic Lyme disease. Controlled trials need to be conducted to validate these observations. See report #G138.

ST Donta. Tetracycline therapy for chronic Lyme disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases 25: Suppl. 1 (JUL 1997):S52-S56. Address ST Donta, Boston Univ, Med Ctr, 88 E Newton St, Evans 6TH Floor, Boston, MA 02118 USA

I was treated with tetracycaline. While on it I had improvements, but suffered with digestive problems and yeast infections. It helped me for about two years and I have had some pretty major flair ups since.

I know these are not natural remedies, I am just speaking about my personal journey. I do try eating closer to the earth, and I only have the internet as a source of alternative info. Im in rural Texas, docs here look at me crosseyed when I talk about anything other than traditional meds. Like I grew an extra head.


Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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Lyme is definitely not something to take lightly. My coworker lost her brother in law to Lyme because it progressed too far before he was diagnosed. He was only in his early 40's and ended up in a wheelchair with no movement before he passed. It was horrible.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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That study posted was laughable. They call that good? 80% of participants were not cured... with lyme that means your are not nearly out of the woods and you still have a death sentence hanging over your head.

These doctors who have been sharing information with me about how they treat their lyme patients... they are curing them. Period. and they do not use conventional antibiotics that can cause so much damage to the body.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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Howdoes one get access to your docs? I am dealing with blue cross and blue sheild and crappy docs who want to medicate me into submission. I have a stockpile of hydros.

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