I read nearly the entire site. He gets really crass with his language because some piker 'ripped him off' and not that I wouldn't be all to happy about it either but the folks who don't rip him off don't need that abuse.
His stuff is very good and right out of the "best of the best". The quiz was "his opinion" I agree with the magnesium fire starter rather than the bic lighter but both make sense. Heck, cotton wood still works the best for a bow drill to start a fire if you don't have magnesium and flint/steel.
He obviously hates Bear Grylls and thinks he is a 'fakir' so to each his own. As for navigation, the stars are really great but they change all the time with the exception of the North Star. It is fine out on the sea but in the woods it gets a little more difficult. I tend to look for signs of civilization which will always lead you to civilization eventually. You may not want to be there once you get there but you will get there.
It was just hard to get over the anger and really bad language.
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