Magnet Motors and everything else energy?


Power Conserver
Jul 20, 2011
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Has anyone successfully built a magnet motor that will power a generator?

We've built them to charge batteries, but we don't want to use batteries to charge our house.

We would like a magnet motor (or any other "free energy" motor) with an attached pulley to run a generator.

Any suggestions???



Power Conserver
Jul 20, 2011
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ANY size battery can be charged!

We only made a small motor to charge our small batteries as a test for a larger project (obviously it will charge larger batteries with a bit more time).

This is where we started:



I'm very skeptical regarding magnet motors. I have not seen a single plan than will work. Alternative motors do work, but i am not convinced that any of them can produce more electricity than consumed. For example, i built and test a Newman motor; and although it seems to defy belief that a tiny AA battery can spin a huge mass, it is simply a very efficient conversion of electricity into motion. If you apply any friction to the wheel or its axis, it slowly grinds to a halt. The spinning wheel is a giant mass, turned by a tiny AA battery, but it can do no other form of work. There may be some application for these highly efficient and novel motor designs, but i have been looking into this for some time now, and i am convinced that none of them can produce more electricity than consumed. Solar panels, however, DO produce more electricity than consumed in their manufacture. The extra electricity comes from the sun, and many panels can last 30 years or more. No that's what i call free electricity!
I'm still interested in alternative energy, but until i see some transparancy, like a set of detailed drawings or a patent application, im not a believer in magnet motors. :(


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
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Western Canada
sunsaver said:
I'm very skeptical regarding magnet motors. I have not seen a single plan than will work. Alternative motors do work, but i am not convinced that any of them can produce more electricity than consumed. For example, i built and test a Newman motor; and although it seems to defy belief that a tiny AA battery can spin a huge mass, it is simply a very efficient conversion of electricity into motion. If you apply any friction to the wheel or its axis, it slowly grinds to a halt. The spinning wheel is a giant mass, turned by a tiny AA battery, but it can do no other form of work. There may be some application for these highly efficient and novel motor designs, but i have been looking into this for some time now, and i am convinced that none of them can produce more electricity than consumed. Solar panels, however, DO produce more electricity than consumed in their manufacture. The extra electricity comes from the sun, and many panels can last 30 years or more. No that's what i call free electricity!
I'm still interested in alternative energy, but until i see some transparancy, like a set of detailed drawings or a patent application, im not a believer in magnet motors. :(
I commend your adventurous spirit and open mind. I wish I knew more about some of the experimental directions that you can go with the "free energy" idea - not just "notions" but directions that are genuinely promising.

I'm a handyman, but not much of a tinkerer with electronics. Wish I had more knowlege. Also wish I lived near somebody who had dived into the experimentation, and was also an open friendly person. Because I'd love to be a handyman helper in those sorts of experiments.

I've heard that some "conventional" (i.e., mass-produced) electric motors are, these days, up over 90% efficiency in translating electrical energy into mechanical energy. I don't know, but I'd suppose, that "conventional" electric generators might therefore also be above 90% efficiency.

My own involvement with electricity hasn't gone beyond wiring a couple shops, fixing the occasional electric stove, making extension cords, and building a couple radio kits when I was a kid. I like the idea of wind and solar electricty generation, but we get very little substantial breeze here, and besides being northern enough that the sun is over the horizon only about six hours in mid winter, we get a fair amount of cloud during all seasons here.:idunno

But, like I say, glad to know you are experimenting. Keep us posted.


Hi J_BC! I could use you right now because i am very ill with cirrhosis of the liver, and i'm not able to get around very much. I currently live off-grid solar, but we get a lot of sunshine here usually. The solar panels do still produce on cloudy days, though not as much.
I don't design any electronics or computer circuits these days, because you can find a circuit or microprocessor for any little function you need, already soldered up. All i do is plug and play, the "handyman" wiring to get different "off-the-shelf" components to work together to do what i want them to do. I used to design terribly complicated digital circuits and electronic devices that took weeks to wire up. Now all of that stuff is on one tiny microchip.
Im not actively exploring free energy right now, but I have designed and aquired most of the parts for a solar powered freezer/refridgerator. I don't do secret work. I have my reasons for wanting to remain annonymous, but everything i invent from now on will be posted online, open source for anyone who wants to copy it.


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Western Canada
sunsaver said:
Hi J_BC! I could use you right now because i am very ill with cirrhosis of the liver, and i'm not able to get around very much.
Sorry to hear about your health issue. I'd volunteer to provide handyman help, but BC, Canada (above Washington state) is a long commute from Louisianna!:p

sunsaver said:
I currently live off-grid solar, but we get a lot of sunshine here usually. The solar panels do still produce on cloudy days, though not as much.
I don't design any electronics or computer circuits these days, because you can find a circuit or microprocessor for any little function you need, already soldered up. All i do is plug and play, the "handyman" wiring to get different "off-the-shelf" components to work together to do what i want them to do. I used to design terribly complicated digital circuits and electronic devices that took weeks to wire up. Now all of that stuff is on one tiny microchip.
Im not actively exploring free energy right now, but I have designed and aquired most of the parts for a solar powered freezer/refridgerator. I don't do secret work. I have my reasons for wanting to remain annonymous, but everything i invent from now on will be posted online, open source for anyone who wants to copy it.
Well, interesting stuff and I'm glad you're publshing your experiments and results on the web.

I don't really know very much about the free-energy experimentation field - BUT, I've generally disbelieved most of the conspiracy paranoia rumours around it. Seems to me results of successful experiments could be published on the web, and thousands of guys with general electronics know-how (and access to machine shops and electronics supplies & equipment) could and would reproduce the designs within a week. It would all spread like wildfire, despite the judgments, outrage, and naysaying on the part of energy corporations, big-money guys, and governmental vested interests.

So I've also doubted whether much has actually worked out in a positive way with the experiments.


I have only found two conspiracys that seem to be real: the suppression of the nickle/metal hydride battery technology by Chevron, and the promotion of grid-tie solar by the energy industry as a group. Chevron bought the patent and will only license it out for AA batteries by Duracell, not electric cars. And the energy industry has set up several web-sites that exclusively promote grid-tie solar (so they can buy cheap solar power that you financed on your roof, and sell it to your nieghbors for huge profits and carbon credits) while also heavy handed discouragement of talk about going off-grid. These forums are run by EEs who really know their stuff. They couldn't discredit me, so they deleted what i wrote.
I have never found a single magnet motor that did not need at least a battery in order to operate. I have never built a motor that produces more electicity than it consumes.
A bar of iron, if you could fission it, contains more energy than all of the nuclear weapons on Earth. A magnet on a fridge can do the work of holding up a photo for years. If you could tap this nuclear force directly into electricity, with out heat or radiation, it would represent an unlimited source of power. If anyone has done it yet, they've done a good job of keeping it a secret, and an even better job of not blowing up the entire planet. :cool:


Super Self-Sufficient
Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Western Canada
Sunsaver, since you've looked into energy-derivation and energy-saving methods... Here's something I'd like to ask you about (Maybe you'd know).

I've heard about, but do not really know about, an alleged method to drastically reduce gasoline or diesel consumption in automobile engines. It utilizes the hydrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen. Water, carried in the vehicle, is broken down into H & O, by way of electrical current generated via the power of the engine. The gases are captured and fed into the fuel stream of the engine - reducing the reliance of the combustion process on the gasoline or diesel fuel. The overall assertion is: once the engine conversion is made - entailing up-front investment, of course - the result is a reduction in costly gasoline or diesel consumption, and a reduction of carbon release into the atmosphere.

My question is whether these conversions have been successful and pretty much problem free. Does this whole idea actually work out, in practice?