Seriously, you need to get the word out. There are people out there that would supply you, at least on occasion. There are times when I just cannot get to my cheesemaking and the milk builds up in my fridge....I'd gladly trade it for a sack of alfalfa pellets or something. I mean four gallons for a sack of alfalfa pellets! Sometimes!
Find some people and contact them, let them know what you want, and find out if they make cheese already. Many do not! There are some 4H-ers who breed for show and milk for show and dump the milk!!!!
Good point Free....I called my 4h connection and left her a message. Se had mentioned having me over sometime to milk and make cheese. Her goats don't seem very clean though.....very dirty and smelly and probably too many penned together.
I did talk to a gentleman this afternoon, his DD makes cheese and they are selling.
I found this on CL....I hope to buy from this guy because he is closer to me AND he has an awesome sense of humor! I have some delicious, scrumptuous goat milk. Straight outta the goat. I drink it daily and I can say that it is the BEST milk - cow, goat, or possum - I have ever had. However, I cannot drink all 10 gallons per week of it...therefore, I am forced to sell it as fodder for your livestock.
In accordance with law, I can sell or trade it to you for your use for making cosmetics (the non-swallowable kind), feeding your pets, and making the ever-popular Raw Goat Milk Paint. It's a Thing. Totally Google it.
It's not for human consumption, so you can never know that it is the creamiest most awesomest milk on the planet. However, if it have this degree of yummerification for humans, think of how much your beloved Shih Tzu (or milk possum) will enjoy it and God knows we all want the best for our pets, am I RIGHT????
Will sell for non-human consumption, as I might add again in case The Milk Police are reading this (you see - I am making a HUGE effort to make sure it is not for human consumption! I am a super awesome and law-abiding citizen!). It's in Quarts - It is $3.75/quart for fresh, $3/quart for frozen (taken out of the goat and frozen within the hour). The frozen is yummy but you know how people are sometime. Sigh. Butter and cream are also possibilities. My dog? If you hide her pills in butter? She totally swallows it whole. (Actually, the very funniest (legal) use for illegal raw goat milk butter. Besides THAT. Is to throw them at your dog in little pieces. And right when they think you are throwing butter at them every time, throw them a really horrible pill or something. They gobble the pill up and then look at you - they have no idea you just gave them a Doggy Sudafed or something and not a piece of delicious, savory, creamy, divine Illegal Raw Goats Milk Butter That You Cannot Legally Eat Yourself)
I will also consider trading for things that I actually can legally eat. Like vegetables, fruits, honey, whatever. Or craft items that I am not going to use as food. Such as eggs and dead rabbits. It's for Art.
Hit me up!
eggs - $2.50/half doz
milk - $3/frozen quarts; $3.75 never frozen quart
butter - $3.50/4oz
lowfat cultured buttermilk - $2/quart (good for milk possums and lactating hampsters)
Part of the proceeds benefit the Urban Food Network, installing urban farms in backyards since late March 2011. (I'm not making this up)
Fwiw, there's a lady local to me that makes kits for beginners, they are really reasonable and her instructions are awesome. Her recipes call for using a gallon at a time and she also has a resource page for farms all over the US that carry raw milk!
I totally think they would get along smashingly. I loved that ad, and I wonder if the milk police are going to bust him? GEt your milk from hime Dace!! And tell him he is now famous!!
And Free, I agree totally, since I have a plethora of milk right now, and just starting to get into cheesemaking, I would sell some milk her and there.
Dace you could also call up your Weston A Price foundation and ask for local raw milk suppliers. A guy I know found some raw jersey milk that way.
And that is good info for all of you to know if you have extra milk--let your local WAPF chapter know and they wil hook you up with a buyer.