I am reminded of a story my mother used to tell. When I was a baby, and my brother about 5, my parents went to a party, taking me, but leaving brother with a baby sitter. My mother had also left a roast of beef in the oven, with instructions to the sitter on when it should come out. When we got back home my mother was horrified to find that the sitter had dutifully removed the roast from the oven, and proceeded to put the whole thing through the meat grinder. She couldn't imagine wanting the meat for sandwiches, or for any other purpose than hash, and had proceeded to "hash" the whole thing, to "help" my mother out! Mother was quite put out!freemotion said:I can't use celery because I am quite allergic/sensitive to it. One day I hope this corrects itself....I have hope, as many of my food issues are starting to reverse, finally.
Tomorrow I plan on cooking some up for supper....can't wait to try it! I harvested the rest of my organic potatoes and it will be corned beef hash, fried up in lots of lard, tomorrow night....can't wait!
Enjoy your hash, but you might want to also keep some aside to eat whole, with carrots, cabbage and potatoes.