Hattie the Hen
Lovin' The Homestead
I would like to bring to your notice an older British version of a steak & kidney pie known as Steak & Kidney Pudding. Here is a link to a wonderful recipe by Delia Smith (who is a much loved cook here in the UK). I usually make mine with lambs kidneys but you can use any kind you can lay your hands on. It is totally delicious.....I urge you to try it!ORChick said:I don't have a recipe as such, but here's more or less what I do:noobiechickenlady said:Could you share your pie recipe/method? That's one bit I've never been able to do so it tastes good.ORChick said:My mother used to make steak and kidney pie, which I hated as a child, but make myself now, when I can locate kidneys.
Make a single pie crust (for the top; too soggy to use a bottom crust IMO), or use puff pastry. (Or skip the pastry entirely, and serve with mashed potatoes - but then, of course, it isn't a pie)
I think in England they usually use beef kidney, but that can be very strong. Veal or lamb kidneys are better, though I usually use pork as that is what I can get. Cut the kidneys into bite size pieces, and soak them in milk (or in water with a large dash of vinegar) for an hour or so, or while preparing the rest. (If you haven't dealt with kidneys before you might want to refer to a basic cookbook as to method)
Cut stewing beef into pieces, and brown in a pan. Add some diced onion, and mushrooms if you like. Add some good beef broth, not a lot, and simmer, covered, till the meat is tender. Season to taste with salt, pepper, herbs, maybe a dash of Worcestershire - this is basically just a beef stew. Add the drained kidney pieces shortly before the meat is to your liking, long enough that it cooks through, but not so long that it is overcooked - remember that the pie still needs to spend a bit of time in the oven. Thicken the sauce slightly with flour or cornstarch. Put the meat etc into a deep pie plate, and add gravy to your liking. Cover with the pastry, cutting in slits so steam can escape, and brushing with some milk or an egg glaze. Bake till the pastry is golden.

[Edited to add link]