Making your raw milk lactose free


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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awesome article! I may try this for DH and his suspected issue ;) He thanks ya for the information!! :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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Texas Hill Country
You don't have to get the milk lactose free. You just have to heal up the gut enough to get it to handle the lactose again - yes, it CAN heal up, and will, once the bacterial balance is restored in the gut.

There are other ways to handle it. Most adults DON'T produce lactase at all. They have healthy colonies of beneficial bacteria in their gut that does the job instead. So if you get that restored, it balances things out again.

Kefir can do it if consumed regularly. This is because it contains an aspergillis fungi that is the same as the one used to produce lactase enzyme. Get that established in your gut, and the bacteria does the job that your body doesn't do anymore. It WON'T work though, if the same conditions which caused the healthy bacteria to die off still exist (primarily caused by preservatives in food, and chlorine in water).

Also, lactose free milk has the same amount of sugar as regular milk. The lactase drops do NOT remove the sugars. They simply convert them into a form that can be absorbed directly by the intestines. They do the SAME thing that natural lactase enzyme does in the gut, which is, make the sugars digestible.

It has the same amount of carbohydrate as well, and will have the same effect on blood sugar.

It works just fine for making both kefir, and yogurt, with no perceptible difference in outcome. The bacteria will thrive on the alternate sugars. The balance of bacteria and fungi may change a little in kefir, as the growth of some is encouraged by the switch, and the growth of others is slowed, but the kefir will culture repeatedly, just fine. I used lactose free milk in mine for months.

Nice to know where to get the lactase drops though, that could come in handy. Basically, you could do the same thing by dissolving lactase pills in the milk, but I'd guess it would be difficult to get it to blend without heating it.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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FYI my father is not able to heal his gut any further right now, due to long term liver issues, He is on the transplant list, and has a host of other problems. Many of which are under control due to careful nutrient dense foods.
He cannot have kefir or yogurt, unless it is lactose free either.

Also, the pills do not work nearly as well as the drops. They have tried them many times. He got sick enough to end up the hospital.

My parents consume what could be termed as the perfect diet. But due to my dads Bile duct disease, and with that killing his liver, circumstances are a bit different.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 8, 2009
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Hmm I've been lactose intolerant since i was born. I've never heard you can just heal your gut. I can't have anything made with cows milk. We call it the drink of death. It runs in our family for generations. What studies have been done that say that? I am game to try anything. I just need to research things first. I can't even began to explain the pain that milk causes me, and i had a natural childbirth.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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ninny said:
Hmm I've been lactose intolerant since i was born. I've never heard you can just heal your gut. I can't have anything made with cows milk. We call it the drink of death. It runs in our family for generations. What studies have been done that say that? I am game to try anything. I just need to research things first. I can't even began to explain the pain that milk causes me, and i had a natural childbirth.
Question first. Have you tried good grass fed raw milk at all?


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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Texas Hill Country
If you have congenital lactose intolerance, you may never be able to tolerate lactose. Theoretically, you might be able to use a good Kefir to replace the enzymes, but probably not totally.

I was talking about acquired lactose intolerance - where people get it later in life. The #1 cause is damage to the intestines. That can be healed up.

Congenital lactose intolerance has different causes - including incomplete digestive elements in the intestinal tract. No way to heal that - though there are ways to potentially compensate for it, at least partially, to where you could tolerate certain kinds of milk products.

I just graduated to cultured milk, without lactase enzyme. I can now tolerate many types of cheese without lactase also, which I could not before.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
ninny said:
Hmm I've been lactose intolerant since i was born. I've never heard you can just heal your gut. I can't have anything made with cows milk. We call it the drink of death. It runs in our family for generations. What studies have been done that say that? I am game to try anything. I just need to research things first. I can't even began to explain the pain that milk causes me, and i had a natural childbirth.
Do an extensive search on and Lots of scholarly articles. I was not always lactose intolerant, and I understand "the drink of death!" It took me about a year of research after my naturopath suggested raw milk as part of my healing regimen. I finally got a goat. I cleared two days in my schedule so I could take one small sip and see how I did, sure she was wrong and I'd be sick for two days.

Nope. Dairy products are now a huge part of my diet.

But there is a small percentage of people who cannot tolerate dairy in any form, so do your own research. You may be able to tolerate fermented products from raw milk, full of enzymes and live good bacteria to help you digest it.