Power Conserver
If I or my sisters or brother had talked to and treated my mom like that, she would have given us a good spanking. I think I was 16 when I got my last spanking, and my brother was 17- he was bigger and taller than my mom, but bent over the table to take his licks anyway. We were quickly dealt with if we were ever disobedient or disrespectful, though as we got older grounding became more of a discipline than spanking- we dearly loved to be outside, so being grounded was the worst thing you could do to us! We had to go do our chores, but then spend the rest of the day indoors, in our bedrooms. I don't remember when we started doing our own laundry, but I remember helping my mother do laundry from age 5, as well as other household chores- I'd have never dreamed of NOT doing my chores. Also, the standing rule for animals was that you either do your chores for your own animals or your animals would be sold. We were allowed to trade jobs with each other and make deals, etc, but it had to be taken care of and it was up to US to do it, NOT my parents. Now, all 4 of us are well adjusted, very responsible, honest, hardworking adults who are well liked in our community and known for being great workers and good people- I'd say my parents did an excellent job.SSDreamin said:Would you be willing to write a book?! I'd be first in line to buy it!!!Beekissed said:Suggestion~the boy will promptly change his ways if HE is the one having to do the manual washing of his own laundry...this I can almost guarantee.Liz Demag said:Manula laundry can stink to do sometimes especially with a teenage boy aorund that changes his clothes 5 times a day and throws them in the hamper even though he's worn themfor grand total of 20 mins... if that... but it is really rewarding and when you don't have a bill for electricity for the washer and dryer it's really a wonderful feeling!My elder and youngest did the same thing until I would sort their laundry separately from the family's and require they did their own laundry. The total amount of their clothing hitting that dirty laundry basket decreased drastically and immediately.
As a single mom of three boys I often had to deal with their wastefulness, their sloth and their natural feelings of entitlement....for some reason this is just the hallmark of teens or just males, I don't know. The only way to break this cycle or instill any sense of responsibility for their actions, I have found, is to require they do their own laundry, dishes, cleaning, etc. Also they can do their own cooking.
One example of my methods is this: I don't buy store bought bread and really enjoy making my bread by hand but noticed that as quick as I could make it, it would disappear. Found out that when all other quick meals were depleted, my boys would often eat several pieces of bread with honey and peanut butter, PB&J or tuna fish salad sandwiches~whatever was quickest to shove in their mouths and without having to cook~whenever they got home from school(while I was still at work).
I made a rule that whoever ate the most bread had to make the next batch. They all got very proficient at making homemade bread~even better than my own in some cases~and the bread consumption slowed down drastically to a more normal rate of consumption.My 12 yr old son thinks I am the maid (and I promise, I have insisted he do things for himself since age 8 - he USED to cook, clean, wash dishes and has done his own laundry). He has taken to talking down to me, and being VERY insulting.
Spank his disrespectful little self.