Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
Well your girls ARE nicer than mine!I have a couple that will NOT lay that egg except "their" spot. One likes to get on top of the hay bale I have opened, under the cover. Moved it one day, no egg. Next day, she left it in the yard
almost stepped on it. Put another bale on the pallet, covered & she went back to the bale for her nest.
I have to gently lift the cover in case she's in there -- otherwise, not sure who gets scared the most. Mostly I have like 3 hens use one oddball nest, then 3 at another, so that's ok...then there's miss solo. These nests are far apart, then they all go roost together 
MAYBE -- yours just wanted some redeco in the nests
Chickens can be funny birds.

MAYBE -- yours just wanted some redeco in the nests

Chickens can be funny birds.