Lovin' The Homestead
So I am not one to be afarid to ask people for stuff I am looking for. I figure if they have it, How much you want for it?? the worse tey can say is no. One night at grange I asked if anyone had old mason jars they wanted to part with. Can't have enough I say. So my friend John 90 yrs old says "yes Don, I have a bunch come on over and get them." So I just got back from a WOW moment. I went down to a basement that looks like a museum of stuff. There must be 100s of old mason jars. The ones with the glass tops ( ATLAS) and metal clamps. There might be nearly 500 of them down there. I am going back tomorrow with boxes to pick them all up. After I stood there with my mouth to the floor I told my friend I can't just have these I have to give you something. He kept saying "no take them." I was able to get him to let me do some work around his house. I will try and get some pix of the find. There are jars down there going back to 40's.
This is my best find of the yr so far. The great thing is now I can take all my old quart jars in the shed and trade for my fall lamb now.
This is my best find of the yr so far. The great thing is now I can take all my old quart jars in the shed and trade for my fall lamb now.