May as well start now


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Sounds like you are keeping busy! Hope you had a great time at the Pow Wow and that you managed to find a piece of jewelry that you like :)

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Actually Moolie
I did find a treasure and it only cost $4, yep well within the budget. It is a pinkie ring made out of coconut shell and I had my moms name engraved on it. I figure I can wear it when I need a little extra reminder of a "mom-ism" or when I am missing her. Either way the thought of it makes me smile.

I got my beekeeper license in the mail today, :ya Now I'm official and the state can't give me grief. I had no plans of selling honey but I still had to hand over $10 to the department of agriculture and food so I can be legal. I guess it's so the bee inspector can check my hive once a year and then leave. Oh well I do live in the beehive state.

Some of the early planting in the backyard has paid off with peas, red romaine and some beautiful wong bok cabbage so at least I can make a salad. Other that that I hit the ground running everyday and can't wait till I can eat that first tomato, in this area the target date is usually July 4th :fl we shall see.

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Finally, I harvested something from the garden and of course its squash but that's just fine with me. It's been a whirl wind lately and I never have enough time to do all that I want to. We were lucky enough to get my middle daughter and her family for a visit and before they came I decided to spruce up a bedroom. Paint, door casing, baseboard and carpet. It turned out very nice and the best part is I had antique set of furniture that I found at a yard sale 2 years ago and it fit perfectly. I don't know why I wait till the last minute to get these types of projects done. I had talked about it for a year and finally got a kick in the rear so I can cross that off the ever growing to do list.

I got the rain barrel hooked up just in time to fill it with 75 gallons of collected water and I am very happy to have just a little extra for watering the containers in the front yard. It is so dry here that if a storm blows thru :fl every gallon I get is a bonus.

There had been a huge problem with predators killing my duck and chickens and one of my favorite bantam hens was killed last week. The eggs had been disappearing for a while so the traps were baited and the first catch was a stinking skunk so I figured that was the cause of my missing eggs and dead duck. I know that if there is one skunk there must be more so I set the traps again and catch 2 racoons. :ep We have never had racoons in this area so I am shocked to even see the little bandits in my traps. I call the DWR and ask them to come pick up their wildlife and they tell me no way. Seriously? Division of Wildlife Resources won't do anything about this wildlife in my backyard. They also inform me that I have to humanely kill them (which I can do because I am mad about the killing spree) I ask if I could relocate them and I'm told no, if I set them free in another area I can be charged with a class B misdemeanor. WHAT!! are you kidding me? They won't do anything but will charge me with a crime if I want to pardon the racoons because they were being racoons. I called my vet to see what the cost would be to put down this murdering pair and the vet tells me they won't even handle them. I called a wildlife foundation and asked if they wanted them and again I was told no that they would lose their license. The guys were kind of cute and I tried to find a solution to my problem without killing them but in the end they had a date with a 22. Now I know that it sounds a little crazy to try to give 2 racoons a chance but I really don't like killing an animal if I don't need to.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Wow! It's not crazy to want to pardon the little guys - what's CRAZY is that there was no way to do so. Shaking my head over this one...

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Lost another good hen last night so the problem continues. Beautiful little silkie mama with 3 chicks. :hit Nothing left but a bunch of white feathers and 3 little ones needing a mom. I put them under a bantam EE with a newly hatched chick and she accepted them but they know the difference. I hope they stick with her because I really don't have the time to raise them. Oh well the saga continues and the traps will be set tonight in hopes of stopping the slaughter. I let the hens out to roam the yard when they have chicks and figured they were safe, but not this year.

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
I caught another skunk 2 nights ago and this time it was the spotted variety ( pretty little stinker), I guess that there are plenty more around so I will keep setting the traps. I am getting more eggs now that skunks and racoons aren't filling up at the buffet. It's a green bean bonanza in the garden and I'm busy picking and canning after work. I really need 2 days off a week during the summer but it's impossible when I have to be at the business.
I stopped by the Wednesday Farmers Market last night just to say hi to friends and was sent home with gifts of bacon, carrots, garlic and salad greens. It pays to show up with a smile. :D
The weather seems to be getting back to normal for this area after flash flooding last Saturday and Sunday, we got 2.2 inches in an hour on Saturday evening and another 1.5 on Sunday. I was told that the total rainfall for July is just over 7 inches, more than half of our annual rainfall. I love the rain and hope that August turns out as nice as July. :fl


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
Wish we could get some rain. We did actually get some yesterday, but it only rained over the river! Seriously, I live less than 100 feet from the river and we didn't get a drop, and my girlfriend who lives on the other side of the river (we can see each others' houses) didn't get any either- but we could see the drops falling into the water!:barnie


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
We've had lots of skunks and jack rabbits this summer, fortunately most have stayed out of our garden but the odd one does manage to get in and have a munch on something. Glad your eggs are safe again!

Cool about your farmer's market bounty :)

We've had a really weird summer, started very wet with the flooding, then has continued not quite as hot as it ought to be a lots of evening thunderstorms (not all with rain, but I have managed to only have to water my gardens about 5 times since planting so that is unusual).

Good to catch up with what's going on down your way!

Corn Woman

Almost Self-Reliant
Dec 26, 2010
Reaction score
Serious time lapse for me and now it's October :ep Temps are frigid today but the sun is shining. I have covered the garden for the last week and its no small job but the payoff is worth it. Every tarp , old blanket, re-purposed sheet of plastic has been used. I get used to walking in the dark and tucking in the plants to get the last of the tomatoes, peppers and eggplant but I think the neighbors believe I'm crazy.

We were able to get a pig and half a beef at auction from the 4H kids so I have been busy making room for it in the freezers by taking out the stockpile of organic brown rice and cornmeal that I bought for $1 each ( 28oz and 32oz bags). I hit the jackpot on those so now I have to play the shuffle game or as my youngest calls it "Freezer Roulette". I was able to get a deal on organic whole wheat flour as well and bought 4 25lb bags for $20. I am pretty well stocked and the last thing to search for is dry beans. I have about 10 lbs left from my last purchase so no pressure unless its a smoking deal.

Canning has taken up all of my free time for the last couple months but I really do enjoy it. I canned 19 pints of beef 2 weeks ago and was very happy with the results. The dehydrator is running 24/7 with peppers, basil and cherry tomatoes which look so beautiful when done not to mention the taste. :drool

I really do need to finish a project that started with a dumpster dive, someone trashed a piece of furniture with 5 small drawers. I pulled the drawers took off the hardware and was able to remove the front raised (ugly) panel. This left me with a perfect wood box that I sanded and need to paint. My new found trash fits 12 regular pint canning jars just perfectly and they stack. DH claims they don't need paint but I would like it better if they had some.

DH left early this morning to hunt elk and I hope he is successful :fl , not that I have any more freezer room but I love wild game.

Tonight is another date night with my kitchen :lol: good times, full jars, and I'm giving thanks for the bounty.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
Reaction score
Klamath County, OR
good luck with the elk hunt! but if you don't have room, what will you do?

Those drawers sound like a great find! The cardboard boxes fall apart so quickly. I did hear that someone recommended painting the cardboard with wax to increase their shelf life- I may try that. I looked at those new plastic holders for canning jars, but they are so expensive- I have better things to do with my money.

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