El Presidente de Pollo
I have 16 chicks in the brooder, I will be selling them once able to sex them. Then the roosters, I will keep and eat. I have 28 eggs due Monday, I am keeping the BSL roos out of that set. Then I am setting an incubator with about 35 eggs from eggs I am buying on the internet. Those will stay and I keep and use them all. Then I have a setting of Buff Orpingtons going in Thursday as well, to be sold as day old hatchlings hopefully. Plus two broody hens on a nest of 12 each.
I am covered up, the Buffs are already sold. I'm doing started pullets this year for some profit. So my plan for the roosters is to, let them forage till they are about 3 months to 4 months old, then possibly (depending on space, I am limited for now) separate and do straight corn and high protein feeds. But all that depends on how much space I have. I have to get the rabbit does fixed up until I get their space in the barn built, then when we get our calf. She has to go somewhere. But now that I have typed it out, I will have enough space to separate to feed differently.