Super Self-Sufficient
Wow great info Bee. Thanks fr clearing that up.
Oh, I though I would share a couple pics of the turkeys. Little ones are doing great. I opened their run and let them mingle with the flock. Momma Turk chased off a couple of motherly hens that showed interest but other than that no problems. Tom is behaving and actually strutting around looking proud. Momma turkey does a great job and even returns to her nest box in the separate run all by herself at night.
The poults are just about a month old and eating Flock Raiser, whole grains and cobb with the rest of my birds.
Oh, I though I would share a couple pics of the turkeys. Little ones are doing great. I opened their run and let them mingle with the flock. Momma Turk chased off a couple of motherly hens that showed interest but other than that no problems. Tom is behaving and actually strutting around looking proud. Momma turkey does a great job and even returns to her nest box in the separate run all by herself at night.
The poults are just about a month old and eating Flock Raiser, whole grains and cobb with the rest of my birds.