Almost Self-Reliant

FYI I think those birds are gorgeous as well. Almost makes me wish I had kept an Orpington roo, 'cause I plan on getting barred rock in the spring
I've been thinking about doing some crosses myself, but I'm still accumulating a few more varieties to try out
But if I wanted to do some experimenting this spring I do have a large Wyandotte roo that could cross with Sussex, Australorp or Brahma. The Brahmas made good meat birds.
(I also have a Barnevelder roo and hens, as well as Wyandotte hens)
I'd like to mix up my egg basket a bit. One day I might get some Easter eggers and white leghorns
I have a couple roos I should have culled, but now it's cold and we really don't want to! We'll be more vigilant next year. It's all a learning experience right now.