meat from butcher shop vs grocery store?


Enjoys Recycling
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
There is a well known family just miles from us that raises and sells grass fed beef. It is also in the local grocery stores. Costco gets most there beef/ pork from smithfields. The had to publicly state that during their beef rib/burger/roast recall last year. :sick

Old fashioned, My very next venture is to raise cattle. Beef and dairy, we are only a couple hours away, We should split or 1/4 a cow.

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
Wildsky-yep and I replied.

Partyfowl, Sorry if I've asked you this before, but wherebouts are you?

I'm just trying to come up with other options and the extremely ssssllllooooooowww process of getting my family away from factory foods to real wholesome foods. And I'll probably have to start by checking with a local butcher that sells grass fed beef and get maybe one grass fed steak and one grain fed steak so the family can have a side by side taste off. Then I'll go from there. :D


Enjoys Recycling
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
old fashioned said:
Wildsky-yep and I replied.

Partyfowl, Sorry if I've asked you this before, but wherebouts are you?

I'm just trying to come up with other options and the extremely ssssllllooooooowww process of getting my family away from factory foods to real wholesome foods. And I'll probably have to start by checking with a local butcher that sells grass fed beef and get maybe one grass fed steak and one grain fed steak so the family can have a side by side taste off. Then I'll go from there. :D
We are about 20 minutes south of Spokane.

old fashioned

Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 10, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, Wa
Spokane? That's still a bit far. Although I'll keep you in mind for future reference as a good source. Maybe by the time you have the cows ready to butcher, I'll have the family convinced homegrown is better & be willing to make such a trip. (But you'd have to include a few gallons of raw milk & cream too ;) )


Off to other pastures
Jan 20, 2010
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old fashioned said:
Wildsky-yep and I replied.

Partyfowl, Sorry if I've asked you this before, but wherebouts are you?

I'm just trying to come up with other options and the extremely ssssllllooooooowww process of getting my family away from factory foods to real wholesome foods. And I'll probably have to start by checking with a local butcher that sells grass fed beef and get maybe one grass fed steak and one grain fed steak so the family can have a side by side taste off. Then I'll go from there. :D
I can tell you that the ground beef I bought from Evermore Farms was amazing. You can't even compare it with supermarket ground beef. I was never a burger fan, even before I became vegetarian for a while; but last week I ate burgers three nights in a row. The beef is so delciious. My daughter got upset last night when she found out we were out of it.I emailed the farm for another pickup. And the kicker is, this ground beef is only $4.50 a pound. I don't know how she does it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Barbara
redux said:
old fashioned said:
Wildsky-yep and I replied.

Partyfowl, Sorry if I've asked you this before, but wherebouts are you?

I'm just trying to come up with other options and the extremely ssssllllooooooowww process of getting my family away from factory foods to real wholesome foods. And I'll probably have to start by checking with a local butcher that sells grass fed beef and get maybe one grass fed steak and one grain fed steak so the family can have a side by side taste off. Then I'll go from there. :D
I can tell you that the ground beef I bought from Evermore Farms was amazing. You can't even compare it with supermarket ground beef. I was never a burger fan, even before I became vegetarian for a while; but last week I ate burgers three nights in a row. The beef is so delciious. My daughter got upset last night when she found out we were out of it.I emailed the farm for another pickup. And the kicker is, this ground beef is only $4.50 a pound. I don't know how she does it.
Lack of hormones/steroids goes a long ways!! I really want to own a dairy farm some day, and im already (in my mind) cutting down costs with good pasture vs hay, grain, etc.

I spent $100 on dewormer one time, when the vets werent sure if my horses illness was caused by it or not (on top of the $300 vet bill.) When I could have saved myself $150 by simply putting him on my current herb regimen. Its so stupid.

Btw, whats wrong with Smithfield? I googled it and came up with nothing =/


Jul 12, 2008
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Nebraska Sandhills
MsPony said:
I spent $100 on dewormer one time, when the vets werent sure if my horses illness was caused by it or not (on top of the $300 vet bill.) When I could have saved myself $150 by simply putting him on my current herb regimen. Its so stupid.
You can also send poop off to be tested to see if a dewormer is needed in the first place, and which one to use.

I never deworm just because its on a schedule, I want to know for a fact whats going on first.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
Reaction score
Santa Barbara
Wildsky said:
MsPony said:
I spent $100 on dewormer one time, when the vets werent sure if my horses illness was caused by it or not (on top of the $300 vet bill.) When I could have saved myself $150 by simply putting him on my current herb regimen. Its so stupid.
You can also send poop off to be tested to see if a dewormer is needed in the first place, and which one to use.

I never deworm just because its on a schedule, I want to know for a fact whats going on first.
I know *hangs head* I lost my "empowerment" (as said by my chiropractor.)

My horse came to me very skinny, and VERY pissy, I couldn't move his blanket without him biting me. I tried the same weight gainer that worked on my 30 year old (2 years and still fat as a cow), then I tried the regimen that my Dynamite mentors gave me, nothing was working. I had a gut feeling, but after being PUSHED by so many people, went with the vet :/ After that, he was STILL skinny and pissy, and finally at a clinic in January I met a Silver Lining Herbs lady. She explained WHY the Dynamite wasn't working, because of how bad his ulcers were, and two weeks ago found out there is actually nasty bacteria in them, prolonging healing. I have a WAY happier horse now, opinionated, but hes soo happy. And I dont normally deworm either, that was the most I have ever done in my life.

And to clarify: I am also thinking of pasture management for my cows for their OWN happiness, because happy cows come from happy pasture :p


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Nebraska Sandhills
MsPony said:
Wildsky said:
MsPony said:
I spent $100 on dewormer one time, when the vets werent sure if my horses illness was caused by it or not (on top of the $300 vet bill.) When I could have saved myself $150 by simply putting him on my current herb regimen. Its so stupid.
You can also send poop off to be tested to see if a dewormer is needed in the first place, and which one to use.

I never deworm just because its on a schedule, I want to know for a fact whats going on first.
I know *hangs head* I lost my "empowerment" (as said by my chiropractor.)

My horse came to me very skinny, and VERY pissy, I couldn't move his blanket without him biting me. I tried the same weight gainer that worked on my 30 year old (2 years and still fat as a cow), then I tried the regimen that my Dynamite mentors gave me, nothing was working. I had a gut feeling, but after being PUSHED by so many people, went with the vet :/ After that, he was STILL skinny and pissy, and finally at a clinic in January I met a Silver Lining Herbs lady. She explained WHY the Dynamite wasn't working, because of how bad his ulcers were, and two weeks ago found out there is actually nasty bacteria in them, prolonging healing. I have a WAY happier horse now, opinionated, but hes soo happy. And I dont normally deworm either, that was the most I have ever done in my life.

And to clarify: I am also thinking of pasture management for my cows for their OWN happiness, because happy cows come from happy pasture :p
:lol: I totally understand.

My hubby's cousin has a bunch of cows that are so dang spoiled, and when they see a human coming they all gather around like there is an important meeting. :gig First time I got to pet a cow with them last year, a mom, and her calf who wanted to play with my cute how he bounced around all excited! :gig

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