Mini Horses
Sustainability Master
WHY ???? Do people think these type animals can be pets? They're cute. But they have a purpose in life -- and it is NOT to be a house pet!
I know they can beat my feet up pretty good with their wacky tail.imagine going away for the day and coming home to having all your furniture legs chewed off?!
i didn't think beavers could be house pets. never crossed my mind at all... maybe they are in a cage when not supervised? still... eek!![]()
BuT hE's A rEsCuE!WHY ???? Do people think these type animals can be pets? They're cute. But they have a purpose in life -- and it is NOT to be a house pet!
BuT hE's A rEsCuE!![]()
Meat? No pun intended?
I used to work for a vet who did the descenting surgeries on skunks. I always got to "assisst" him by holding them upside down outside, so he could remove the scent glands. Sometimes the glands would rupture. Guess who got to take home canned tomato juice bathes to remove the scent. Yup!Hubby's family had a pet skunk when he was a kid. It was descented and he says it was very sweet and friendly. Leash trained and went everywhere with them. They were part of an RV camping group and people would get freaked out when they'd walk Snoopy over to sit around the campfire.