We always knew what we were eating growing up. My brothers can't tell the difference between beef, deer, and elk. I can but they taste normal to me and I prefer elk.
Story time. The oldest of my younger brothers was having his 7th birthday party. We had the skullcaps with antlers of every male deer and elk Dad and Mom got hanging off the patio supports. This snotty little girl kept goin on and was calling my brother and parents murderers and bad people who should go to jail for hurting animals. Both bros and some of the other kids from poor hunter families were really getting upset. Mom finally snapped and asked her if she ate hamburgers from McDonalds. She said yes. Mom told her that if they were evil for killing their own meat then she was even worse for making someone else do it for her. The girl didn't cry but she shut up about it. It made her think about stuff and bro reported that she was being a nicer person in school a few weeks later. She grew up to be a decent person.
I've been trying to get these two to carry eggs for me so I can get them to look for nests. Nope won't carry anything. I miss my schipperke. She'd have done it in a heartbeat if I traded orange slices for eggs.