Memes That Make You Giggle


Sustainability Master
Jul 16, 2017
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Zone 6B or 7 can't decide
@Dreamz I'm not going to quote your post, since you may want to delete it later. I wanted to let you know your post made me tear up. Speaking for myself only as a man. I was there. I remember the pain, I remember the pastors and marriage counselings (multiple different ones) nothing helped. And if that wasn't bad enough, I was tempted by a younger woman. Thank Almighty \o/ He protected me and gave me discernment.

What did help is "a weekend to remember" by focus on the family. The weekend to remember is not some catchy marketing slogan. That weekend changed my life. I still have my manual and the love letter my wife wrote me in my manual. Just thought I would throw that out there, from a guy perspective.

Is it ok if I pray for you, your husband and your marriage?

Jesus is Lord and Christ 🙏❤️🇺🇸


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 4, 2021
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Thank you everyone. It is hard that I can't barely sleep continually but 1-2 hours at a time. I made a decision but having trouble putting it in play. So, I will be scared because of the storms coming and also that I do not want to miss the final game of the World Cup, to begin driving in uncertain conditions down south. My truck is back for stuts and pulleys replacement but have new tires last week. I had to tell a loe which I did not wanted to but it was the best way to make sure my animals will be cared for. I have had many doubts about that today because the real reason I am leaving is because I need to tell my husband that he needs to leave. After struggling for 4 yrs in a very emotional painful relationship where he does not care to salvage it by not doing anything, I need to let it go. I never gave up of him but he gave up on us years ago and I am exhausted. Last time the situation was addressed, I mentioned how he has pushed me to not love him as much,yet didn't cared. Or maybe he does but I know that when you want something, you have to sacrifice for it and that is a decision that needs to be made. I made the decision of loving him for decades and always put him first. I need to put myself first this time because my health has turned bad with all the depression and anxiety that our situation has brought. I will be deleting this in a few days because I shouldn't be saying this but you guys have been my motivation, teachers,support and guide to a more sustainable life. Not that I eat a lot of the things but want to make my small property a model for a Christian life and independent from what is going around to some degree. I love to learn from you all and I thank you for teaching me and guiding me. This old lady is not as smart as she once thought. Thank you so much.
You do not know me but I definitely know where you are right now! As already said, I'm yet another person that has been there and it almost drained the life out of me! He was my version of a living vampire.

It took me months too get on my feet again but when I opened the door too a broken down apartment with nothing but a sofa a sheet for a curtain and a kettle, I was ecstatic :celebrate.

I had hardly any money but my friend bought me a lovely book a hot water bottle and a thick duvet, it felt like the best Christmas ever...
Yes, times were a little tough too begin with but it improved day by day and week by week. I had no more of this guys nasty insults making me feel worthless and my confidence just grew and grew. I realised that I really enjoyed being on my own and found people I had lost that are still amazing friends, plus i met others that mean so very much too me.

My advice to you is stand up tall, hug yourself and know you'll make it so much better on your chosen path, wherever that leads you.

You are a unique individual with a mind that's functioning (you have proved this by making this decision) so celebrate your bravery.

You got this 👍 💪 😉