Improvising a more SS life
You could make enough energy to keep the the stock water from freezing for the animals at the least. More critters = more energy. Best excuse I've heard in a while for getting even more ( insert your favorite animal here).Wolf-Kim said:...
I still think it sounds amazing. I mean how renewable can you get? In the self sufficient book it states that a single human can create enough methane in a day to boil 2/3 of a teapot and that a single cow can produce enough in a day to boil 5 teakettles. Doesn't seem like much, but multiply that by the number of people, cows, dogs, cats, chickens, turkeys, and pretty much any domesticated/captive animal and you have crazy amounts. Then consider in the landfills that have methane in them.
Talk about the ultimate recycling. Use it for fuel and then fertilize it.
Anything that eats, poops. That's pretty darn renewable to me. LOL