I think your SIL and my SIL would probably get along great - they'd definitely have lots to talk about; how you and I treat our kids so horribly, while their spoiled brats are SO much better off!
Well this week I have planted 10 strawberry plants ,3 blueberry bushes ,2 Blackberry bushes, green beans ,and yellow squash, Dealt with his ex's drug drama and now my two older DD's call her the incubator ( Long story) made laundry soap, got 2 dozen eggs free, scored on some free windows can we say greenhouse in the making joined the local co-op and started replaceing yucky food for good organic and homegrown Not bad for this week
Not to much this week But did help youngest DD earn her land survival gardening and forestry badge for girl scouts the days that I had time to work out side it has been raining so I can't get anything done but watching the plants grow so that's a good thing and I cleaned house and my facebook so that's it for this week
Well been a little busy here so update is I'm now unemployed for the summer hopefully will find a job soon, DH still has no job thats the bad news the good news I scored some windows to build my green house and got more beans planted as well as honey dew melon, 2 more grape vines and two raspberry bushes , I should soon have enough material to start the waddle fence around the garden well that's it for now