milk protien intolerance?! PLEASE HELP!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 11, 2011
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Wannabefree said:
There is another common protein that is in powdered milk products amongst other things and causes constipation as a symptom. Monosodium glutamate, or MSG. It's difficult to pin down though because there are hundreds of names it goes by on labels, and it's in almost everything prepackaged. My daughter has very bad digestive issues with it, amongst other worse symptoms like severe swelling and headaches. She doesn't always have all the symptoms either though.

Another point to be made is you can develop allergies to things you have always been able to have, at any point in your life. I used to eat soynuts, now I can't even have things that have trace ammounts of soy in them without full blown panic attack and asthma attack almost instantly.

I hope you find out soon what it is. Look up elimination diet and do one on yourself. Once you have a suspect ingredient, THEN back it up with seeing your doctor. It took me a week and a half to figure out what was causing all my problems, and no Dr. bill ;) The Dr. bill came when I saw my doctor to verify my own findings. With DD, it took 4 years, several trips to LeBohneur, specialists, doctors, even changed doctors to see if we could get her some help! It is very frustrating when you rely solely on the doctors to help you. Elimination diet worked on DD in 2 weeks, meanwhile they were testing her for lupus and schleroderma..guess what...both tests were negative, and when I told them my findings THEN the light bulb went off in their heads and they agreed :lol: The point is nobody knows your body like you do. You know when you're having symptoms, start tracking your food and find the culprit :)
wow on the soy allergy <<<hugs>>>

the elimination diet sounds like a good idea. gonna go look that up.
i dont like doctors, dont trust em. i dont really know why, just like a cat doesnt like water, i dont like doctors. i've told doctors about several issues and the only answer i was ever given was "loose weight"..... :barnie :he :smack :rant :somad :tongue :hit
yes i'm overwieght, no i dont eat as healthy as i should, i work my butt off on the farm AND FARMING IS EXCERCISE!!!
same answer for cramps, for leg bone questions, for atheletes foot questions, for period questions, for a headache,... always the same answer!

also i dont have any medical insurance. i'm 19 and moved back in with my dad and sister, so i got put on his paperstuff. somehow he gets too much money for me to get any med help at all. and i'm fairly certian he gets like $22 a month for me living here :/ oh no, not 22 dollars, gasp. grrr....


Lovin' The Homestead
May 15, 2010
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For people with lactose intolerance, a yogurt-like drink called kefir could put dairy in their diet again.

Lactose intolerance is a very common digestive problem caused by too little of an enzyme called lactase, which the body needs to digest lactose -- milk sugar. Gas, bloating, and diarrhea are the result.

The problem varies much from person to person; some people have to steer clear of all milk products, while others can indulge in small portions.

(for the rest of this article go to... )

Just wanted to get you interested in the rest of the article. I always have two batches of REAL Kefir going and my grains are happy and healthy.
PM me if your in need of some grains. I use 2% milk with mine. Some people use raw cows milk or goats milk. I use the milk in smoothies, in place of milk in recipes, marinade (as you would butter milk).

Hope this article is of help to you.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
ohiogoatgirl said:
which makes me wonder if this is possibly a genetic thing... i sure hope not with the things i already know of that are getting passed down in my family :(
I have decided that there is more at work than genetics. Yes, genetics plays a role, but I think it is given WAY too much credit.
I have come to believe that what is "genetic" is a predisposition to issues. It could manifest as cardiac problems, or diabetes, or cancer, or some other issue, but the underlying trigger is something related to diet or environment. As my coworker pointed out we're the ONLY species that chooses to drink milk after we are weened. That is a rather unnatural act, and in her opinion it is unhealthy (but then she eats a fair amount of soy, which I don't agree with either, but that's another story! :p). I do understand her point, but I also think that there is value to dairy in moderation. Your grandfather's diet of a gallon of milk a day is probably rather excessive, and could be the actual trigger to the issue - more the quantity than the actual product.

I also firmly believe that much of the "allergies" that we see today are actually the result of diet, and have less to do with environment. If allergies were a "natural" thing then there would have been a lot more suffering a long time ago. How would humans have survived for hundreds of thousands of years?! It just doesn't make sense! I believe allergies are more the result of our toxic environment - including the highly adulterated excuses for food that are sold in the stores.

We have dramatically changed out diet in the last year after some friends really showed us what food is about. We eat very little processed foods now, and do a lot of our own cooking and making our own chicken stock. We also have found a source of raw dairy and naturally raised meats (happy animals make good meat!!). It has made a dramatic difference in our lives. And we've only begun to make changes. I hope to be able to continue to make a bigger shift cut out more and more of the processed things that we still hang on to. We're no where near what I want to be (of course it doesn't help that I don't enjoy cooking all that much! :-/) We have begun to follow the 'Primal Blueprint' concept. if you're interested. I have more links and resources if you want.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
kstaven said:
What are you feeding your dairy animals? Their diet influences many peoples reactions to dairy.
Along those lines, I know a woman who is so allergic to corn (GMO corn) that she can't eat meat, eggs or dairy from animals that have ever eaten GMO corn. It took years of elimination diets and study, pain and suffering, (and near-death frequently) to come to this conclusion. Oddly enough, she CAN eat popcorn, as this is not genetically modified. Imagine a life of having to avoid corn starch, corn syrup, or anything with these in it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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so lucky said:
kstaven said:
What are you feeding your dairy animals? Their diet influences many peoples reactions to dairy.
Along those lines, I know a woman who is so allergic to corn (GMO corn) that she can't eat meat, eggs or dairy from animals that have ever eaten GMO corn. It took years of elimination diets and study, pain and suffering, (and near-death frequently) to come to this conclusion. Oddly enough, she CAN eat popcorn, as this is not genetically modified. Imagine a life of having to avoid corn starch, corn syrup, or anything with these in it.
The corn thing is actually totally common. My friend's daughter (13) is in this boat and also can't eat anything with soy in it (again, very GMO). Plus she is deathly allergic to peanuts. It took years before she was allowed to come over to play with my daughter when they were younger without her Mom being present. And when she was finally allowed (because her Mom trusted us to not feed her or expose her to anything dangerous) her Mom always made a point of showing me exactly where in her backpack her Epi-Pen was "just in case" of anything dire.

It's scary what they've done to food. :(

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