Our first house was plumbed with cast iron and threaded galvanized pipe with a few soldered joints just before the fixtures. The second was all done with PVC and copper. No leaks, but no rust either. Son's Victorian was re-plumbed (before we bought it) with the new PEX tubing. So far we haven't done any work with that, although some will have to be done as the inside gets re-worked. Have priced some of the specialized tools for PEX and much prefer the copper I know.Wow 40 years! That's a long years already. our pipes only lasted 22 years. When we checked the pipes underneath, its all covered with rust and others are having a leak.
Welcome to Remodel @davison I was thinking I should hire/bribe Smart Red and her husband to come help me with any plumbing jobs I need doing from now on
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