Minimum Amount of Clothing


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA

That is what I do with my truck! You name it - it is in there. People food and drinks, animal food and drinks, zip ties, duct tape, rope, coats, tools and fishing lines. :lol:

My truck is so well packed I only need a tiny little purse to get the job accomplished. ;)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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LOL you use the truck as your storage unit :D

my car is absolutely clean. Nothing in it that never needs to be. Something about any kind of clutter around me drives me nutso.
Nicole has a small bag she carries to the car with her electronic games, crayons, books etc. That way it is not ever left in the car. It would drive me those darn crayons melt!! Ugh had that happen a few times and it ain't cool.

Oh --food in my car. No way. Nicole can have some candy if it is not the messy kind LOL --how many times she asked for ice cream and I say, not in my car you don't HAHA....cause when I gave in...oh yea I had a big mess to clean up.

Now my old car...before this nice new one....oh yea I drove with hay in the backseat. But for now I am protecting this new car to the max because it has to go a long long long time before getting a new one :lol:

So momma on guard duty!

garden pixy

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 27, 2011
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I don't limit to the quantity of clothes, each member of the house has about 24" of hang up space, one dresser and one rubbermaid tote for out of season stuff, we have small closets and small rooms so it's self-limiting. If you exceed your space something has to be donated until the new stuff fits. This works well, the kids have more than enough clothes for all the spills and accidents that happen on a daily basis. I do find I wear a lot of yoga pants and tanks during the day since I am home, whenever I dress nice at home some sort of incident happens that results in a tear or stain, and with the current prices of maternity clothes I can't replace.

I do have one tote for each clothes size for the kids (newborn to 3t) because keeping a huge stack of totes in the garage is more convenient than buying new for each kid, once #3 outgrows these clothes they will be getting donated.

My husband works in an office where he needs to wear a dress shirt, pants and tie everyday, so he has 10 pants, 14 shirts and a completely ridiculous quantity of ties. He manages to keep this corralled in his side of the closet along with a suit jacket and a sweater. For his drawers he manages to shove so many tees in there it is annoying to try and put his clothes away, so I just leave them on the dresser and give him the 24hr warning, if there are still shirts on the dresser this time tomorrow they get donated, so he either finds room or swaps out the tees he is willing to part with.

The only place i have found a major overstock is in the zip-up hoodies, they take up the entire bar over my washer & drier, I have been sneaking one or two of the most worn ones into the donation bins. Because I need some of that hang up space back.

Purses were my weakness for awhile, but I have done a good job giving away some. Now i have the diaper bag for everyday, a little purse I can toss my keys and wallet in for those quick no-kids outings and one that I could use for everyday when diapers are over, or I go back to work, with enough room for wallet, keys and all other other essentials. I have narrowed my shoes to one pair of sneakers, one pair of flip flops, one pair of warm boots, one pair of black heels, one pair of brown heels, and a pair of black ankle boots... and the red heels, can't seem to part with the red ones.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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purse!?! i dont need no stinkin' PURSE!!!!

i kid you not - right now all my cash, id, and cards and clipped together with a big binder clip and shoved in my pocket! ha!

*snort* i dont even know what TBM would do if i came walkin out of the house with a purse - he'd probably think i actually got rabies or something.

i gave up on nice clothes a while ago - altho after the "ohmigosh what are we gonna wear to the event" incident of '10.... we both have 2 nice sets of presentable clothes so i dont look like a street walker and he doesnt look like the Lego man.

aside from that, every season i march on down the kohls (on their sale day and with coupons) and buy 3 sets of identical pant-like items appropriate for the season (shorts or non shorts) and then wear the crap out of them until they are falling off my body or my underpants show. then i toss them into a huge burn pile and move onto the next season.

i have a variety of lovely "clearance rack" shirts from old navy - mostly from the mens section b/c i'm not sure what small busted gal they think can fit into their "large"...and lets face it their mens clothes are made better. i have short sleeves and long sleeves. i wear them until they get too many burn holes from somewhat-out-of-control fires, rips from being hung up on the fence, or its been determined they are soaked with poison ivy oil and are a danger to the wearer and everyone else.

aside from underthings i could probably do just fine with 3 bottoms, 4 tops, and 2 sweatshirts. and one set of lounge wear also known as "inside clothes" that are not pooped on, dirty, or covered in poison ivy. i have a fine pair of comfy shorts right now that are known as my clam pants. or clown pants. they are very comfortable but look ridiculous.

hows that for minimal?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
FarmerChick said:
LOL you use the truck as your storage unit :D

my car is absolutely clean. Nothing in it that never needs to be. Something about any kind of clutter around me drives me nutso.
Nicole has a small bag she carries to the car with her electronic games, crayons, books etc. That way it is not ever left in the car. It would drive me those darn crayons melt!! Ugh had that happen a few times and it ain't cool.

Oh --food in my car. No way. Nicole can have some candy if it is not the messy kind LOL --how many times she asked for ice cream and I say, not in my car you don't HAHA....cause when I gave in...oh yea I had a big mess to clean up.

Now my old car...before this nice new one....oh yea I drove with hay in the backseat. But for now I am protecting this new car to the max because it has to go a long long long time before getting a new one :lol:

So momma on guard duty!
Actually the truck is VERY clean and ORGANIZED! :D I bought two tall kitchen type trash cans and have them behind the truck seat organized to the max with all of my treasures. Behind the seat on the passenger side is my tool bag, my coiled and ready rope collection and my step stool (for a crippled woman to get into the 4x4 :p ). In the center is the Emergency Stuff including my BOB and my snack items are at the top. Behind the drivers seat are more often accessed items, like rain gear and canvas shopping bags. The rest of the nooks and crannys are full too, but really organized. :/ Thinking about it I wish my HOUSE was that organized. :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
May 19, 2011
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Oh, don't get me started on cars. I manage to keep a van, that children ride in, consistently clean. DH's car, on the other hand... blech. I'd really like to buy a him a brand new car come spring, but thinking about how he treats his vehicle interiors is really giving me pause.

I have a couple nice little clutches that go with my dressy clothes, but I don't have a regular everyday purse. I have a bunch of cloth tote bags and "purse organizer" that I just toss in whatever tote bags I'm taking with me.

Having to buy work clothes is a Major Issue for me going back to working outside the home. I have no time, money, space or desire to shop for and maintain a professional wardrobe. I think if I do get a job, I'm going to get a job where I can wear scrubs.

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