Manuka honey is amazing from what I heard, but you need to make sure you get the real thing. Apparently a lot of honey gets the label, but it's not from the source.
Ive tasted manuka once and didn't care for it. Hubby bought a small jar of it on one of their Australian ports of call when he was in the navy.
I grew up on alfalfa honey from my great grandfather. That's the taste of normal honey to me. The common blackberry honey from over on this side of the mountains is pretty good too
I always have aloe growing just for burns, but also use lavendar oil. For sunbruns, my grandmother always used a rag soaked in vinegar. It stinks, but my brother used to burn so easily that his whole back would peel. Carefully running a vinegar soaked rag over it, always seemed to stop it from peeling, but he hated the smell. He still won't eat anything with vinegar. Honey sounds like a much better alternative!
Gosh, you'd be a sticky mess if you applied honey to sunburn! lol I remember my mom suggesting adding vinegar to bath water when we burnt in the sun. I can understand the smell putting him off now, it's an ouch association.
Talking of sunburn and aloe, one of my cousins told me rubbing aloe gel from the leaves on your skin works as a sunblock. I don't know how affective it is, didn't dry it, but she swore by it.
I can remember my grandmother was cooking pork chops and somehow the grease from the pan got her in the face. She had bad burns on her face. She soaked a washcloth in warm vinegar water and soaked her face 2-3 times a day. You couldn't even tell she had been burned.
I accidently walked through a patch of it wearing shorts and sandals and the only way back was through the same patch. Knee down on both legs was excruciating. Poured vinegar slowly over both legs. Spent half an hour in the tub with that gallon but when I was done it wasn't bad on pain and the welts went away pretty quick.
Mom and Grandma had aloe plants for sunburns. We lived in a desert and everyone was always getting sunburns. Aloes were extremely popular.
We got light sunburns driving the two days to visit hubby's parents in Texas once after they moved there from W Virginia. The only one to ever have a sunburn in hubby's family was him when he was 10 and visiting Texas. Texas famiy used sunscreen but none was put on him. So that was his Mom's experience. She tried to put mayonnaise on us because that's what they did when hubby was 10. I refused and made a trip to town for aloe. 3 days later I was pretty much healed and he was still suffering even though mine was worse.
I told him you don't put oil on burns. It traps the heat in and makes it worse. He actually gave in to me on day 2 and used aloe when it became obvious what was working.