Moisturizer for extremely dry, Sensitive/damaged skin


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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The dry skin areas has turned into patches of itchy rash...


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 18, 2012
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I am so sorry. You must be going crazy with that rash. I hope you find a cure soon.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
You may want to take some anti-inflammatory herbs, seasonings...turmeric, oregano oil, comes to mind. It sounds like you may have something that could benefit from some internal help, as well as external.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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It started on the lower, inside portion of my both my arms just below the elbow area. It has spread to just above the elbow and almost to the wrist. I have a spot on my chest right about neckline of a shirt area.
I will get a really intense itching in a specific spot - it will feel like a spider bite, then it will welt up and turn red.

First, I washed the rash area with Hydrogen peroxide, then washed with rubbing alcohol twice a day for 4 days - no change, it spread.
I then tried Hydro-cortisone - that I was given for the rash I had when I had my cancer surgeries. Twice a day for 4 days and no change.

I am now on anti-biotics. I had a wisdom tooth pulled and now have a fever, so got the prescription from the dentist. If the rash is not showing any signs of getting better by Monday, I will get another doctor appointment and make it the main issue so she looks at it.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
It started on the lower, inside portion of my both my arms just below the elbow area. It has spread to just above the elbow and almost to the wrist. I have a spot on my chest right about neckline of a shirt area.
I will get a really intense itching in a specific spot - it will feel like a spider bite, then it will welt up and turn red.

First, I washed the rash area with Hydrogen peroxide, then washed with rubbing alcohol twice a day for 4 days - no change, it spread.
I then tried Hydro-cortisone - that I was given for the rash I had when I had my cancer surgeries. Twice a day for 4 days and no change.

I am now on anti-biotics. I had a wisdom tooth pulled and now have a fever, so got the prescription from the dentist. If the rash is not showing any signs of getting better by Monday, I will get another doctor appointment and make it the main issue so she looks at it.

That's what I was thinking it was from the sound of your symptoms. My mother just went through this very thing and when the doc saw her rash he knew immediately what it was. He asked her if she was a nervous person and she very quickly said "no", which she really doesn't appear to be....unless you know her well. She has a nervous energy at times and is quite the picker...will sit around of an evening when she is no longer busy and pick at her skin or nails. She used to chew her nails but now wears gel nails over her own to prevent this.

Anyhoo, for the life of me I can't remember the name he put to this rash but it stems from the nervous system, it affects women more than men and usually women over 60. It's not contagious and it's not diet related or any kind of allergy. It appears to spread but it's usually confined to the arms and hands, though at times it can be on the legs as well. Looks and feels sort of like a spider bite at first but gets really crusty in sort of a least Mom's did.

He first prescribed antibiotic ointment but that didn't work, later gave her steroidal cream for it and two rounds of that didn't work either. Gave her an oral med for anxiety that she couldn't use because it just knocked her completely out with the first dose. What finally did work was me having a serious talk with her about all her picking, the need for her to wear long sleeves of an evening so she won't be tempted to pick and, finally, the Dr. Teal's lotion. That was the real change.

She had tried Castor Oil, baby oil, vaseline, and other types of lotion, then the prescription ointments until they were all gone, triple ATB oint over the counter, anti itch lotion, clear Calamine lotion, vinegar, witch hazel, peroxide.... and nothing helped one iota. In the middle of all of this she want in for a major abdominal surgery and was put on some pretty stiff IV antibiotics but none of them helped it.

After all of that and nothing worked, it was the Dr. Teal's lotion that finally yielded results. That and her leaving her hands off it. Just a nightly slathering of the Dr. Teal's, long sleeves so she wouldn't be tempted to dig at those spots and remove the dry skin, and time. Didn't take long at all before we saw results.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks, Bee. I will renew my efforts to find Dr. Teal's.

I think I have been stressing alot lately - about the tooth extraction, about work, about my dad, about my sister, about not being able to make time to do this or that, about the amount of money DH has been spending lately, about getting ready for winter, about the chickens, about the dogs, about the new cat my sister want me to take in. I have a worrying side to my personality that I usually manage to quash pretty well, but I have been tired lately and probably not being firm enough with myself to not worry about stuff I can't control.

I also wonder if I am developing an allergy to my cat. His sister used to clean him all the time, I have not seen him clean himself since she was put down back in May. He is lonely now and always wants to lay in my arms and on my chest. for the last few months - well year or so when she started to get sick, I always felt a little itchy after snuggling him and always washed with soap and water before going to bed. I still wash before bed, but I think he is getting a good bath tonight.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 29, 2014
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@Beekissed do you know which DR. Teals lotion your mom used?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
We have only used the Pink Himalayan. Mom and I both have noticed recently that the Dr. Teal's may have changed the formula on their lotion...just noticed this in the past few days. New bottles of the lotion seem to be thinner in consistency and not as good as it was's still good, but not AS good, if you know what I mean?

So, not sure if you will get the same good results we had been getting and it saddens me they would move towards lesser quality. They were heads and shoulders above all other lotions until then.