Stockinette always wants to roll. Sweaters and things knitted in stockinette that do not roll up around the edges have ribbing -- a column or two of knit stitches alternating with a column or two of pearl stitching, over and over. You can "block" your project when it's done by washing it and laying it out flat to dry, but the nature of stockinette is to roll up. You can probably stop the rolling by doing the opposite stitch in the last two stitches of each row (knit the whole row until the last two stitches, and pearl those last two, pearl the next row until the last two stitches, and knit those last two stitches), but then it will have a little bit of a border. Garter stitch (knit every row) also works well for a scarf since it lays flat.
The colors of yarn look great together. Good luck!
Yup, what she said. I've seen sweaters that use that roll as part of their design. Otherwise there is usually some type of ribbing to combate the roll.
It's going MUCH too well to take it all apart again LOL!!! I'm nearly halfway done. At worse, I'll decide I need a rolling scarf and start a new one for him with the edging on it! *laughs* We'll see what I think when I finish it and freak out Actually, I think it's really pretty! It looks like feathers.
Yes, inquiring minds want to know!!
I went to a "knit and listen" last night at the local yarn shop. We are listening to The Help and knitting away. Love the book so far and I'm getting the back of my vest done! I haven't started the front yet but soon!
Jonas (the friend who now has the scarf) is going to send me pics. I need pics of the red and black (with matching beanie) that I made this week. I'm half way through a grey/blue striped for auntie. And I just got material to do a herringbone scarf for my step dad.