We got our power back on about mid afternoon. I was glad for the generator. While it didn't run the AC, we did run the ceiling fans and didn't get overly hot.
I'd think there would be a lot of useful information and valuable stories coming out of this power failure - just as happened from the Katrina disaster. Useful to emergency preppers, I mean.
It's a nasty situation for the people going through it. There may be a small up-side as well.
I never watch tv.....so I am lost. Where is the outage? Katrina did a few good things....well, to those of us who survived that is. Thought a lot of people to be prepared for small emergencies. Hardly a south LA home without a generator now. Its like standard equipment in setting up a home. Keeping cool is a major thing.
East coast, from Virginia to NJ. Hotels around here are full since many people are still w/out power. Church was almost empty this morning, and we're hoping it's just because people didn't have power. They're saying it could be several days B4 some people get their power back.
Last year, many people lost their power when hurricane Irene came thru. And, many were w/out it for days. What's amazing to me is how many of these people did nothing afterward to prepare. We went out for breakfast Saturday morning only because we didn't have the time to get power switched over to the generator, get something made, and get to a 7:45 appointment. While at the diner, many people came in because they had no way to prepare any food.