It can happen anywhere, anytime - sure, but that is the straw man argument of disproportionate measure. You took a line of sarcasm and made it into a non sequitur, a "subjective probability" (although the Manitoba reference was a spot-on humor response. I liked that.)Icu4dzs said:O, that's right. It can't happen here. It can't happen in this time. I'll bet the folks who survived the halocaust thought that too! But then I thought the PC camps were in Manitoba rather than Alberta. Better add some antennae to your will help with the reception.Dumbfarmhand said:Who is "they"? I assume you mean the vaunted Bangladesh UN Shock Troops, pouring out of black helicopters, ready to zip-tie you and your family to a PC re-education camp somewhere in socialist-medicine paradise of Alberta? Or, did I twist my tinfoil hat to the wrong delusion?Icu4dzs said:Thank you, but maybe we better wait till they start going after folks. I believe they will try! Then you'll need to light it 24/7
Thought so.![]()
Apparently, I will have to read Ms. Tuchman's book before I comment further on that portion of your response. Admittedly since the mainstream media tends to report everything that happens from as many places as possible, (never failing to emphasize the quantity of fatalities), as quickly as they can, it does appear to make bad things seem a great deal more common than they probably are. But, one must give credence to the fact that it is human nature to stir emotion which obviously SELLS newspapers and magazines.Dumbfarmhand said:It can happen anywhere, anytime - sure, but that is the straw man argument of disproportionate measure. You took a line of sarcasm and made it into a non sequitur, a "subjective probability" (although the Manitoba reference was a spot-on humor response. I liked that.)Icu4dzs said:O, that's right. It can't happen here. It can't happen in this time. I'll bet the folks who survived the halocaust thought that too! But then I thought the PC camps were in Manitoba rather than Alberta. Better add some antennae to your will help with the reception.Dumbfarmhand said:Who is "they"? I assume you mean the vaunted Bangladesh UN Shock Troops, pouring out of black helicopters, ready to zip-tie you and your family to a PC re-education camp somewhere in socialist-medicine paradise of Alberta? Or, did I twist my tinfoil hat to the wrong delusion?
Thought so.![]()
Each generation's self-awareness, even since the time of Jesus, has suffered from, "terminal uniqueness". B. Tuchman addressed that in her historical novel, A Distant Mirror. Diasters are not as prevailent as you think, but our modern media allows us to become intimate with a world that we really don't have any relationship with. In other words, "The fact of being reported multiplies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five- to tenfold" (or any figure the you would care to supply). Normalcy generally pervades.
Asteroid strikes, floods, murder, revolution and a democracy turning totalitarian have happened before and will again. I would suggest a moratorium on internet surfing, reading news and not watching the news for a while - an excellent way to reorient your awareness and notice what happens just in your community (world). Unless you live in Detroit, not much will happen or be observed. That it could happen here should not be a maxim to live by. Rather, it's just an improbability that is out of perspective, devoid of realistic thinking. You can call me naive, but of those events I've noted, floods is all that I have experienced in my lifetime (58). I await your ad hominem. It could happen.![]()