Most unusual item in your "stash"


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
If anyone uses rodent poison, they may want to consider buying some to stash away. Most rodent poisons will be off the shelf for the general public very soon. The EPA has decided that the general public is not responsible enough to use these safely, but the same products will still be available for licensed exterminators to purchase and use in our homes.

I've added d-CON to my stash.

EPA Bans Many Household Rat and Mouse Poisons


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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hiker said:
These are all good items. A couple of items that no one has mentioned are mouse traps and lice combs.

I do have some cats for rodent control, but feel like some cheap mouse traps would be good too. And the thought of living with head lice gives me the hebbie jebbies. :(
Lice combs don't work. Sucks that I know this, but head lice went through my kids' school when my oldest was in grade 4, and she got it :sick :barnie

The remedy touted at the time was to use nearly an entire bottle of conditioner (can't remember the brand anymore) to encase every strand of hair and then put on a shower cap tied down with a bandana and keep it on for at least 48 hours to smother the lice and nits. Some parents in the class used Vaseline. It worked, then we had to pick out the nits by hand, because the stupid combs (we bought a plastic and a metal one) don't work (and even though they were dead they were stuck on pretty well).

What I remember about head lice is that they congregate in the area of the head near the ears. And the first time you see one of those critters crawling on YOUR kid's head is pretty disgusting.

But you have to pick them out by hand because the combs don't work.


Power Conserver
Apr 26, 2011
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Southern In-Clark Co
Really? For us- the combs were the ONLY thing that worked.

It took time, but we got them all. At my daughter's school last fall, the lice had been going back and forth (one family did not treat).

Nothing else would work but to physicially remove them. I did use petroleum jelly with the comb to smoother them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
The combs are not a bad item to have, but I think they will only be effective on really thick individual hairs and not work very well on fine hair. I, personally couldn't really use them when my kids had lice. I had to just pick nits out with my nails.
It got so bad that I stopped using regular shampoo for a while and we all smelled like a dog...Sergents flea and tick shampoo. Nit picking became a regular weekly chore and when summer came, it was a releaf because less contact with lice heads. The problem is parents that think they can treat with meds/shampoos and not pick out the bugs and nits.


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 15, 2009
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Brookings, Oregon
rhoda_bruce said:
The combs are not a bad item to have, but I think they will only be effective on really thick individual hairs and not work very well on fine hair. I, personally couldn't really use them when my kids had lice. I had to just pick nits out with my nails.
It got so bad that I stopped using regular shampoo for a while and we all smelled like a dog...Sergents flea and tick shampoo. Nit picking became a regular weekly chore and when summer came, it was a releaf because less contact with lice heads. The problem is parents that think they can treat with meds/shampoos and not pick out the bugs and nits.
When I was in school my little sister brought lice home. I was allergic to the lice shampoos so I used dog flea and tick shampoo. It works wonderful, and makes your hair so soft. And the dog shampoo does one thing that the lice shampoo doesnt do. Helps repel them. Most dog shampoos state that it will for a week or two.

The combs worked for my family. Works better if you put conditioner in your hair and then brush your hair before using the lice comb. A hair cut also helps, long long hair is hard to use with them lice combs. And after the lice outbreak, I used the combs as flea combs..


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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Wannabefree said:
I have nothing unusual in my stash...but ya'll have some pretty awesome stuff!! Love the ambulance! It's definately a keeper ;)
Funny you guys should mention this. I just happen to have one of those ambulance vehicles. Since I am the county coroner, I am able to transport a body in it. It still has MOST of the built in equipment but some was removed. I can still drive it and the county pays for the gas and maintenance. No doubt that when TSHTF, I will be rather busy using it for its intended purpose but since my farm is out in the country and I AM a doc and I have the ability to do triage at my farm and send the walking wounded back home, it is a perfect match. Of course we don't have any druggies to speak of in my town but if we did and they came to my farm they would see the sign that reads" This farm is protected by Smith & Wesson and G*d. If you come here uninvited you will meet them both!"
And YES, I am a member of the law enforcement community and yes, I have the CCW permit in my pocket and yes, I KNOW how to use it.
Trim sends


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
Reaction score
Lafourche Parish, LA
I can actually think of a few practical reason I might want to check into the ambulance thing. Most were already mentioned. I have a grandmother that I like to bring home for little vacations, but it is hard to load her up in my Surburban. Wouldn't be a problem if I have my own ambulance though. Would be nice in an outage too, not to mention whatever little medical goodies some of us don't ordinarily have on hand, but can be useful in a pinch. I have a school bus I won @ an auction from our school board; why not an ambulance.


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
rhoda_bruce said:
I can actually think of a few practical reason I might want to check into the ambulance thing. Most were already mentioned. I have a grandmother that I like to bring home for little vacations, but it is hard to load her up in my Surburban. Wouldn't be a problem if I have my own ambulance though. Would be nice in an outage too, not to mention whatever little medical goodies some of us don't ordinarily have on hand, but can be useful in a pinch. I have a school bus I won @ an auction from our school board; why not an ambulance.
Just one piece of advice. Keep the batteries charged or it won't start when you need it. (Don't ask me how I know this.)

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